Title: They're Singing Happy Birthday...
Characters/Pairing: Mark, Roger, Joanne, Maureen, Benny, Alison, Mimi, Collins, Angel, all canon pairings
Word Count: 1087
Rating: PG
Summary: Nine birthdays through the year of Rent...
Notes: Written as a (very late) birthday fic for
_chibidragon_. I'm sorry I fail, Rizzy-dear! I still love you!
Disclaimer: I do not own
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Comments 10
Clearly, you do not fail, because... I mean, just read this! It's amazing! I certainly did not mind the wait, and I'm just happy to receive anything from you at all! And fic is the best kind of present! < 3
The Collins' birthday one made me wibble and so did April's and Benny's... I think those may have been my favorites. ^^ I am too much of an angst whore for my own good. Maureen's made me giggle, and so did Mark's (mostly because baby boy is the cutest nickname for Mark ever).
Angel's birthday kind of made me melt. Collins/Angel is like Romeo/Juliet in my mind. It's just... they can be so romantic with each other and it never seems cheesy, just so sincere and lovely like you showed so perfectly in that birthday.
*hugs* Wonderful fic! I'm totally bookmarking to read it again in the future. ^^ Thank you! You're awesome. < 333
Also, I'm trying to write another one for you, since you had to wait so long for this one. ^^ I will get to that... eventually. (Hey, at least it didn't take as long as Tracey's Christmas fic - which I still have not finished.)
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And with Mark's b-day. And April's And owwwwwwwwwww.`
I'll ignore the fact that you posted this while drunk.
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