Title: (Imaginary) People Characters/Pairing: Claire and Topher Word Count: 583 Rating: PG Summary: It might be simpler, Claire thinks, if she were one of the people who never has doubts. Notes: Written for
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'She watches him bound up the stairs, two at a time, obviously already moving on to whatever fascinating, theoretically bloodless puzzle he has in front of him now, and she thinks she hates him. She can't bear to think that it might be just because hatred is easier than jealousy.'
Nice touch. It's like a wonderful twist ending to a movie. I've never considered that she might be jealous. Very well done.
Thank you. I imagine it might be easy to be jealous of Topher - he enjoys what he does without (as far as Claire can tell) any moral quandaries about it. That's more than anyone else in the Dollhouse can say.
Comments 4
Nice touch. It's like a wonderful twist ending to a movie. I've never considered that she might be jealous. Very well done.
Also, I could totally hear Topher's voice in my head. Great job!
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