Youtube. Broadcasting Myself. Edition 35. Fantasy.

Feb 26, 2012 02:34

There was a time when LJ was the only place where I shared my covers. And now it's the last one where I'm posting this today :) But anyway, it does feel like home here, a place where I can say more than on other social networks ( Read more... )

thoughts aloud, video, j-drama: love shuffle, bitter taste, broadcasting myself, music

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Comments 5

senteur_tissee February 26 2012, 09:52:02 UTC
finanwen February 26 2012, 11:10:09 UTC

gilsy February 26 2012, 14:27:33 UTC
I really liked that line too ! I guess he vocalised something I have been wishing for ? Hmmm.
And the song, I am totally in love with the song. Your playing as well, its fantastic !

Love Shuffle ♥


finanwen February 27 2012, 08:23:05 UTC
Yes! I had the same feeling!

I loved the song in its upbeat original version and yet this sad tune got me much more somehow.

Thank you so much, Emmaline ♥


(The comment has been removed)

finanwen March 15 2012, 14:20:52 UTC
I didn't know. I'm sorry.


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