Happy 2nd Birthday to finalu~

Sep 28, 2011 22:25

I'm really bad at this kind of thing, I'm sure Moto made a great post last year and maybe she'll add to this one when she has time ♥

I want to apologise a lot >.< I was hoping to get to some thing like 400 posts like we got to 200 last year but these last few weeks have seemed so hectic. It doesn't help that my temporary internet that's meant to last a month doesn't seem like it's going to last a week or two so I'm trying to be as sparing as possible. Hopefully once I have proper internet and a routine schedule for university I should be able to get back on track :3 just a tiny bit later than I had at first wanted.

Anyway, enough of that little rant. As I don't have much time I'll celebrate the 2nd birthday with the rest of the texts from arashi that i haven't had a chance to upload and over this weekend I'll try and make sure to get at least a few drabbles up in celebration ^^ Please keep an eye on our page ♥

Have a great day filled with arashi~ *curls up to sleep with a vs ep*
Mich xxx

texts from arashi, michi, kiokokat, birthday

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