Taking care of me

May 09, 2011 06:18

Just called in. No work for me today. Mental health day ahoy. And about damn time, if I say so myself.

mental health day, all out of spoons, me, cope

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Comments 9

faraway66 May 9 2011, 11:24:03 UTC
Attagirl! I'm hitting GW this afternoon for some more potting soil for my containers and borders also. Dirt therapy rules!


fimbrethil May 9 2011, 11:25:49 UTC
I'm out of sick days but after this weekend, going to work was simply not possible. They can dock me, I don't care.

Dirt therapy does rule. Nothing like pulling weeds when you want to throttle someone. :)


hlw May 9 2011, 20:12:02 UTC
I agree, NOTHING like getting your weeds pulled!


hlw May 9 2011, 20:12:08 UTC
I agree, NOTHING like getting your weeds pulled!!


(The comment has been removed)

kshandra May 9 2011, 17:16:51 UTC
What's really sad? We BOTH thought of you, independently....


coyotegoth May 9 2011, 15:59:15 UTC
Indeed. (Blast some Crue for me! :P)


roadnotes May 9 2011, 16:53:41 UTC
Sounds excellent.


ellendare May 9 2011, 17:09:43 UTC
Yep. Pull the blankets way up over your head, I say.


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