Weekend Spoiler Thread

Apr 01, 2013 20:50

Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Once Upon A Time -- whatever your video addiction, go wild.

This entry was originally posted at http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1609795.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

game of thrones, doctor who, television, spoiler alert

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Comments 11

pbristow April 2 2013, 01:19:12 UTC
"The Bells (of St. John) are ringing ...
for me and my (mysteriously polyinstantiate) girl ..."



pbristow April 2 2013, 18:40:16 UTC
*I* think all the other copies of Clara we've seen/will see are due to accidental leakage/projection of her "soul" from G.I.Joe's database, in the episode we've just seen. I think the past-Clara was one of her ancestors, who happened to be a good "fit"/absorber for the Clara-soul that unexpectedly got blatted back through time at her, and the Dalek-Clara may in fact never have been a real human Clara at all, but was simply a Dalek who got unexpectedly "Clarafied" by a copy of the Clara-soul whizzing forwards through time.

Quite what G.I.Joe's grand plan is remains to be seen.

(Incidentally, I do think it's a mistake to give him/it a face... Let alone a face (or indeed voice) as instantly recognisable as Richard E. Grant's... =:o\ )


palenoue April 2 2013, 01:59:22 UTC
Darn it, Clara survived. I was looking forward to seeing various incarnations of her as the Doctor tried to find one who lived long enough to be a steady companion in the next series. Call me morbid if you want, I consider it an interesting "What If" situation.


dragonmakr April 2 2013, 13:30:04 UTC
That would have been interesting, but I've seen enough Doctor angst for a bit. I do like the approach they took with this ep.


pbristow April 2 2013, 21:40:32 UTC

The next time the Doctor meets a "Clara Fragment", it'll be much more interesting if he has "Real Clara™"(Not Ded Yet™) standing right next to him... =:o}


alverant April 2 2013, 17:08:33 UTC
I caught the last 15 minutes or so of Dr.Who last night. It was the first episode I saw (even if it was just a fraction). I have to admit I was interested. I thought it was a rerun then I learned it was new which confused me because I thought I saw the actor in Dr.Who commericals. I'll definitely have to start watching that first season of the new Who so I can get caught up. Now I just have to find the time.


pbristow April 2 2013, 21:37:54 UTC
"I'll definitely have to start watching that first season of the new Who so I can get caught up. Now I just have to find the time."

Mwa-ha-ha-Ha-Ha-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-ha-ha-ha...! This one is ours, *OURS*!!! =>:o>


spoiler alert alverant April 3 2013, 03:02:05 UTC
I don't remember the line exactly but it was when Dr.Who said, "Did you miss the part about 'anti-grav'?" then hits a button and rides his motorcycle UP THE SIDE OF A BUILDING. Then it winds up being not the real Dr but the brain-sucking robo-clone being remote controlled. The robot sucks the mind out of the evil leader then ramps up the obedience setting on the tablet computer to get the minion to release all the minds around the world.

F-in awesome!

Then the last line in the episode, "Time to find out who I am." Agreed my good Doctor, agreed.


redaxe April 2 2013, 23:05:21 UTC
Two eps (three, really, but I've only got two) in and we already have a serious villain on Top Chef Canada (season 3). Thursday will see the release by the BBC of "Summer Falls", by Amelia Williams. I'm just starting Season 2 of Sportsnight. And Mad Men returns this coming weekend. Life ain't half bad :-)

ETA: Forgot Broadchurch, which requires serious focus because of the accents, but is well worth the attention.


ldyerzsie April 3 2013, 17:19:40 UTC
I'm looking forward to how "Orphan Black" will shape up.


alverant April 4 2013, 03:00:25 UTC
I'm iffy on it so far. I don't like the main character too much. I'm also not sure where the series is going and there's not much to make me care.


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