One Million Awesomeness Points to John Scalzi

Oct 25, 2012 21:38

Warning: triggery regarding rape.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

activism, politics, gilead, religion

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Comments 6

bayushisan October 26 2012, 02:22:21 UTC
I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to be in the situation where a woman would have to make the choice to keep or abort a child conceived by rape. I think it would be one of the hardest decisions of her life and I don't think that the government should make that choice for her.

I know what I believe when it comes to abortion but I can't, in good conscience, say that a woman should choose one or the other. If I was asked for my honest and heartfelt counsel I would give it with the understanding that my counsel is based on my faith and the things that I believe in. The person asking could take it or leave it as her choice but that's as far as I'm comfortable going in the matter.


gardnerhill October 26 2012, 03:58:29 UTC
This might leave more of an impact, because the writer is a man. Whites have to talk to other whites about racism - and men have to talk to other men about rape and misogyny.

And this is why I get so furious with the libertarian / undecided males who bleat that booooth sides are eeeeequally baaaaaaad because it sure as fuck ain't THEIR privates up for public ownership by one side.


jannyblue October 26 2012, 10:19:21 UTC
Some guys are trying...

But it's not considered "manly" to have and express feelings other that rage and lust. Any guy who does is called "unmanly" (or worse).

(there's also a corollary piece: )


(The comment has been removed)

gardnerhill October 27 2012, 02:02:13 UTC
And the assholes who talk about pregnancy like it's a 9-month 'inconvenience' like having to live with a slightly-less-awesome phone plan, instead of a gamut of horrors I wouldn't wish on any woman who doesn't volunteer to take on the adventure wholeheartedly. These are the same guys who call in to work sick if they've got a low-grade hangover - but pregnancy is No Big Deal because it doesn't affect a human body (just a WOMAN's body).


jannyblue October 26 2012, 10:05:33 UTC
Androphobia is the fear of men.

I think we need something different to describe fear of the control-freak rape-monsters.

But rape isn't about sex. It's about absolute control and power and reducing another human being to a mere object.

There are more than a few other ways to accomplish this.


alverant October 26 2012, 20:31:22 UTC
There's this commenter in the Chicago Sun Times named "rightwingchicagoian" who whenever there's something about abortion he talks about how the baby (not fetus) should be allowed to live and how he's not anti-woman for wanting to force her to carry a fetus she does not want. It doesn't matter how many times I correct him on his terms he still does it.

(Some good news, last year I got him to stop with his pro-creationism speil by going to Pharyngula and telling the people there, "Will someone else try correctin him?")


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