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Comments 40

jasperjones22 June 24 2012, 13:45:04 UTC
Ok...the opening to Jellyfish Princess is the best opening...ever...


filkertom June 24 2012, 14:03:10 UTC
It is, innit? For those who have not seen it:


Not real good, actually capplor June 24 2012, 14:13:22 UTC
I worked like crazy to get everything done before the 3 day weekend. (They are doing power-off work at my office) and ended up getting some kind of flu. Super high fever for about 4 hours, and more aches in more places than I ever had to deal with before.

From the look of things I'll be well just in time to go back to work.


Re: Not real good, actually filkertom June 24 2012, 21:02:06 UTC
Aaaaaah. So sorry -- I hope you get better faster than that, and also completely because working with even a twinge of that shit is nasty.


judifilksign June 24 2012, 14:51:47 UTC
It's been the weekend of volunteer activity. I've worked my townlet's Fish Fry, and will be volunteering for BINGO running today to fund-raise for my son's band activities.

Why am I more tired on vacation than I am when working?


filkertom June 24 2012, 21:01:12 UTC
Because you're a do-er, my lady. Which is beyond wonderful, but you really deserve a break for yourself. [hugs]


ericcoleman June 24 2012, 14:57:46 UTC
We are home after a week in Madison for the young man's gymnastics nationals. Things went well. We're trying to work out how to raise that last 300 bucks in Kickstarter so we can get the album done. One week left.

Mostly we're relaxing.


filkertom June 24 2012, 21:00:29 UTC
Yay! Your son do all right, then?

And, it seems we have indeed Kickstarted you. :D


ericcoleman June 24 2012, 22:30:46 UTC
Yes, and as I said elsewhere, thank you so much.

Jared did well. 3rd in both events. The first event the two leaders were both elite level, he is advanced level. He led the advanced kids. He's very pleased. His second event he fumbled on move, he's annoyed, but all the more determined to nail it next year.


scifantasy June 24 2012, 15:03:22 UTC
Mixed. On the one hand, I went with my parents to our place in upstate New York to get some peace and relaxation; on the other hand, I was dumb enough to go swimming with my phone in my pocket. Once I'm back in the city I'll investigate either repairs (initial review says not likely), or else replacement (and ways to mitigate cost of same).

So, relaxing, but frustrating.


filkertom June 24 2012, 20:59:48 UTC
Facepalm and a half. :-7 So sorry, m'friend. But the swimming itself sounds good.


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