Is Your Four-Year-Old Acting Gay? "Give Him A Good Punch"

May 01, 2012 17:46

Some people are just twisted:Sean Harris, the Senior Pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, has some words of advice for parents of possibly LGBT children: Smack them around. Beat the gay out of them. Or, in his precise words, "Give [him] a good punch!"
I followed the link in the dKos story, and listened to the audio of ( Read more... )

takei, human monsters, religion

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Comments 35

alverant May 2 2012, 02:48:39 UTC
Isn't there some law against promoting child abuse?

I'm with the others. This is messed up.


dan_ad_nauseam May 5 2012, 05:47:19 UTC
Unfortunately, the North Carolina solicitation statute only references the common law definition, so he'd have to offer consideration in order to violate it.


redneckgaijin May 2 2012, 03:01:57 UTC
Sadly, this doesn't shock me at all.

I've forgotten their names, but there's a husband-wife pair of authors who write child-rearing guides for the fundie set- the core of which is, "Beat the kid until s/he loves and obeys you." Several children have been beaten to death because of this teaching, but the authors disavow any responsibility, because obviously (TrueScotsman) if the parents had been following their guidelines properly, the kid wouldn't have continued to disobey or be less than worshipful in adulation, so it's not their fault. (/TrueScotsman)

Maybe it's all in the backswing...


mockingbirdq May 2 2012, 03:39:29 UTC
You're thinking of the Pearls' child training guides and yes-they advocate beating children with PVC pipe starting in infancy. They are monsters of the worst degree, and many conservative churches actively TEACH their parenting program to their members.


redneckgaijin May 2 2012, 20:13:47 UTC
Yes, that's the ones I'm thinking of, thanks.


gardnerhill May 2 2012, 04:09:51 UTC
The "Babywise" series by the Esso criminals? (I mean Christians.)


batyatoon May 2 2012, 03:30:33 UTC
Ugh. Someone needs his head held underwater.


gardnerhill May 2 2012, 03:56:17 UTC
And God, that voice - shrieking, foaming, howling - he sounds like an evil Jerry Lewis.

But for me the worst part wasn't his homophobia, his hatred, his racism or xenophobia - he's a KKKhristian, that's par for the course - it was his brain-dead congregation laughing in agreement as he talked about smacking and punching effeminate little boys. No doubt consoled and comforted by religion, many of those faithful "dudes" can now go home and throw their son's Dora the Explorer backpack in the trash and smack him for crying about it.

There's a reason so very, very many of us - gay, women, different - unabashedly crowed and danced when Jerry Falwell died (for all some folks' tut-tutting us about Not Being Better People about it).

Jesus had a thing or two to say about pious vipers and those who harm children. I would dearly love to leave a millstone at this man's doorstep, with the appropriate Luke citation carved all over it.


valarltd May 2 2012, 07:44:06 UTC
I must have a defective Bible.

I don't seem to remember a passage where Jesus said unto them, "If your son shows forth signs of the sissy, verily I say, go forth and beat him with your fists."

Mine says, "I tell you, it would be better for a man to have a illstone hung around his neck and be pushed into the sea than to harm one of these little ones."
(Matthew 18:6)


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