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Comments 15

james_the_evil1 June 11 2011, 18:21:51 UTC


r_caton June 11 2011, 18:34:07 UTC
and as for the self righteous air cyclists carry with them wherever they go, saving the planet....


nimitzbrood June 11 2011, 20:02:26 UTC
I'd have much more respect for cyclists if they accepted the fact that they are _vehicles_ and are required to follow the rules of the road. (At least where I've always lived anyway.)

They should get tickets and moving violations like any other motorist. (Kids below a certain age get some leeway but need a system for learning and correction.)

And I fully admit that I was just as bad on a bike when I was a kid.


filkertom June 11 2011, 21:08:24 UTC
Welcome to Ann Arbor. We have a vast network of bicycle lanes criss-crossing the city, which are used by approximately four people per year, and two of those are Volkswagen drivers trying to avoid bicyclists who will not get out of the way, because they are on "vehicles" yet don't seem to grasp the seven-miles-per-hour part.


laurensa June 11 2011, 22:12:07 UTC
I find the pedestrians in Ann Arbor more frightening than even the bicyclists. Apparently, UofM students believe they are immortal.


lizziecrowe June 11 2011, 18:59:19 UTC


realinterrobang June 11 2011, 19:09:05 UTC
If I were scared of that sort of thing, I'd never leave the house already. At least NYC drivers seem to yield for pedestrians; drivers in my hometown don't actually grok the concept of yielding for anybody, and certainly not for lesser mortals on foot. They also don't understand that pedestrians have the right of way, nor do they understand turn signals. Frankly, I'd be safer in New York.


thistlethorn June 11 2011, 19:10:33 UTC
That seems...sorta normal, to me (as in "not shocking," which is probably A Bad Thing). It was much like that in downtown St. Louis when I had to go there from my then-dwelling in South St. Louis.

My method of assuming that every driver on the road is a complete idiot and/or a selfish dickhead has served me well in 34 years of driving. Out here in Boonieville, it's almost worse: pickup trucks with good ol' boys who think our winding, twisty roller coaster roads are a Nascar track, wherein the goal is to drive as fast as possible, and damn the lane designations; staying in your lane is for sissies. Fucktards. But I now plan for that, so I'm usually prepared. :-)


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