Does That Hurt? Tough

May 25, 2011 10:29

dbcooper alerts us to some medical professionals making their patients transfer ownership of any public commentary about their doctor/dentist or treatment to that medical provider. So that, for instance, you couldn't mention on FB or Craigslist how badly they messed up your teeth, or how much they charged for something, or... well, anything. Read the whole thing -- it's enlightening and appalling.

I'm very much with DBC on this: If you get one of those forms, do not sign it. If necessary, if they won't treat you without it, get up and leave. If they try to shove it under your nose in the E.R. while you're bleeding out on the floor, scream for help and bellow, "WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SIGN A NON-DISCLOSURE FORM WHEN I NEED HELP?" And then contact the local TV news. Contact the Fox affiliate first.

activism, help and hope, wtf

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