Dangerous Men, by Lokei (PG)

Nov 30, 2014 13:02

Rec Category: Jack and Daniel friendship
Categories: character study
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: lokei
Author's Website: Lokei at AO3
Link: Dangerous Men

Why This Must Be Read: This is Jack contemplating Daniel over the years, from the original movie through S8. His reflections on what motivates Daniel speak volumes about Jack himself and the depths of their friendship.

It's almost lyrical as Lokei deftly weaves canon together to form a genuine, meaningful whole.


That was the word General West had chosen for Dr. Langford's newest recruit. To be sure, the man's incomprehensible academic chatter would have been enough to send Jack running for either the hills or for his gun under other circumstances. However, Jack had to admit to a certain amount of respect for a man who would fly in the face of his entire established profession. 'Lunatic' implied someone moon-mad, driven to crazy behavior and changeable as the tides. Jack would allow there was a certain flightiness to some of Jackson's rambling. In his approach to the mystery of what the scholar had named the 'Stargate,' however, Jackson seemed to walk steadily under the perpetual noon of his own convictions. That took guts. Jack could understand guts.

era: multiple seasons, friendship: jack and daniel, character: daniel jackson, character study, character: jack o'neill

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