Water, by SG Betty (PG)

Sep 05, 2011 14:23

Rec Category: Sha're
Categories: Daniel/Sha're, pre-series, Abydos
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: sg_betty
Author's Website: Fic Index / Vid Index
Link: Water

Why This Must Be Read: This gentle little ficlet offers Sha're's reflections on Daniel and the oddly-wet world he left for Abydos. There is sweetness here, made more poignant by what we know will be lost. But whether it's the dulled blades of his razor or the showers and baths that are no longer available, Sha're has the satisfaction of knowing that her Danyel chose her over all the luxuries of Earth.

Full disclaimer: Betty wrote this for my prompt. ::is smug::

Dan’yel had left a place where water was as plentiful as sand on Abydos.

pairing: daniel/sha're, abydos, character: daniel jackson, era: season 1-2, character: sha're

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