Rec Category: Teal'c and Daniel friendship
Pairing: none
Categories: Teal'c and Daniel friendship, Teal'c, Daniel Jackson, gen, humor
Warnings: none
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Quality Programming Why This Must Be Read: This charming little ficlet has just been posted, and I had to rec it immediately!
Teal'c, Daniel, and PBS pledge drives.
This is a mix of gentle humor, the alien on Earth, and a hint at Teal'c's unusual depths. Short, sweet, and not so simple, and a very entertaining read!
“Sure, Teal’c. We can talk about that tomorrow. And…I think we’d better talk about sales pitches, commercials and advertising, too.”
“I enjoy commercials. They provide insight into those things which your world considers important.”
The expression on Daniel Jackson’s face seemed to indicate pain, although he was entirely uninjured. “They don’t, actually. Commercials are more about what the people selling those items want you to think is important.”
“Your people do not believe that minimal body odor and the beverage called beer are important?”
“Well…yeah, we kind of do, some more than others, but not--”
“O’Neill believes beer is important.”
“He does, a little too much, maybe…. Teal’c, this is part of a much longer discussion and I...need to think about it a bit. Right now, I’ll go make this call for you, okay?”