My selfsim, revisited! :D
I made a selfsim for myself about a year ago, and
she was posted as one of my first ever posts to fightocrime. BUT since then I've decided that I could do a better job of her and make her still me, but more sim-like in a way that makes her have less HIDEOUS children xD xD and to take another stab at her cheek construction and nose etc.
Considering my boyfriend wandered into the kitchen where I was making her (LAWLS KITCHEN! Frankenstein much?) looked at my laptop and said "Hi Nett! What are you doing inside your own computer?" I think mission accomplished.
Her nose still isn't... 100% but I can't get it any more.. Bulbie within the confines of the game, she has way more forehead than me, and her cheeks are still not correct but there's no options to make bigger cheeks without making her jowlie. DNW! xD
CC Version:
Left is how she appears in CAS if you have the CC version of her. She comes with a geneticized skin, chocolate brown eyes from my own eye set, a MESS of makeup from various locations (Simple Life, Rensim, Bruno & La Pink I believe) and recoloured XMSims hair.
Download CC Nett Sans CC Version:
If you have the no-CC version then she will appear as s3 with default brown eyes and long wavy (some might say straggly >_>) maxis hair. They don't really have any hair that's the same as mine, this CC hair is pretty much the closest I've ever seen to my hair available. Though I actually have more hair than this rl. RANDOM.
Download Sans-CC Nett Both versions are packaged with the pictured Maxis dress (from OFB I think?) but obviously feel free to redress me. I love LOADS of layers that still emphasise body shape, 50s style dresses and COLOURS and PATTERNS.
She will appear with your default (or default replacement) 'bushy' eyebrows.
Family/Knowledge with a smattering of Popularity.
'Real stats': 6-9-7-10-8
CAS stats: 4-8-3-4-6
Turn Ons: Charismatic, Vampires, Logical
Turn Offs: Unemployed, Zombiism, Lycanthropy
More info (some of which has changed as I've changed over the past year) can be found in
my original selfsim post.
Normally I can also be found with my Bombay Cross, the HUAG JAGUAR, Java. & my mans, who doesn't have a self sim atm. BUT THIS WILL BE RECTIFIED, cause we're creepy and want to breed our self sims together to see what their babies will be like. *twilight zone music*
OMAKE!!! :D :D
Please please PLEASE comment if you're taking her, cause its kind of like voodoo so I'd like to know where she's going. xD xD