The Kohler-Wielle Legacy: Generation Red 3.6; Date or Incinerate: Episode Four :: Shoot me, stuff me

Jul 16, 2009 18:34

CAUTION: 36 pics for a 1.8MB download. SHORT DAY OF SHORT!! Language, gambling *gasp*, sympathy for synthetics and, as expected: THE SUPERNATURAL!

Need to catch up? Kohler-Wielle Archive or Legacy Roundup

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Day Four of Date or Incinerate opens with a serene scene of Erwin working out how to maintain his water supplies. He hasn't QUITE mastered the sunshine bit though... ^_^;;;

Before we see Erwin run off to his inevitible sun desperation at the mail box, perhaps we should check out the rules for today?

Day 4... Do one check out, and 2 interactive flirts with each of your single sims. do 1 "share interests" with each of your single sims.

Poker date! Invite all sims to play poker in the same fashion as the hot tub. Like the hot tub, those that snooze, loose. Anyone that gets up and leaves cannot be invited back, the 'date' is completed when the heir has left the table or they are the only ones left. Anyone that wins at poker is safe from elimination that day.

WOOO!! GAMBLING!! :D :D Its not really illegal, cause even though sims play with high stakes monies, they all live in the same house so whatever they lose/win means the house's money level stays the same.

Silly yet completely logical game mechanics. *musses game mechanics' hair*

Theo has really REALLY taken up playing the grand piano, especially whilst he's in his werewolfish form. Perhaps he believe it shall help curb the inevitable aggressively mean tendencies he'll eventually foster the longer he stays werewolfie. Either that or he thinks it'll up his supernatural street cred. It works for vampires, right?


You know I always hated that term. OooOoooooh I gotta crush on you..! What does that even mean? You've formed an irrational attachment to someone so much so that if you can't have them you'll smother them to death in a bear hug/car compactor James "Jimmy Jerome" Squillante style/falling piano moving accident/freak white goods from a plane flying low overhead? I guess that conveys the normal irrationality of the whole affair but still, crushing? Who thought that was a good idea?

Syrah: Uh, how am I supposed to flirt with this? Is he even on?

Erwin puts his moves back on Syrah, and even though she was the one initiating the flirt sparring, she reacts with uncharactaristic reticence. Honey? Its a little bit late for coy, don't you think??


I guess she got over it pretty quickly...

Syrah: *Bes secret stalkery from afar* Jory is hotter than gamma-photons from radioactive processes, baby! Hotter than the Z-MACHINE! That's 3.7×109 °C of hotness, HELLS (literally) YEAH..!

Moar crushing times ensue, although it appears Jory is seriously conflicted.

Jory: *finds Syrah vomitously repulsive* YAY CRUSH ON YOOOOOU!

One would wonder why he'd be here if he found her physically objectionable. O_O;;;

EVEN MOAR CRUSH!! Its a crush pandemic. WATCH OUT, YOU'RE NEXT! *cower*

Although I find it MIGHTILY amusing that Stellan and Syrah form irrational butterfly-in-belly attachments to each other whilst in the bathroom. The epitome of classy, let me show you it.

Jozef: HELLOOO!! HAI! DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION?!?! HELLO!!! Check me out, I'm INCOGNITO! *sparklemotion*

Syrah: Oh Jozef! You're so hot right now.

Apparently, Syrah enjoys robots who are in the midst of personal existential crisis. Whatever floats your boat really, I guess. Jozef is wearing an afghan, though its not nautically themed. Nor have I EVER seen him tout Santana Champagne. So perhaps this boat ain't getting floated that much after all.... Plus, if the robot wins WHO AM I GETTING YOU TO HAVE BABIES WITH, YOUNG LADY? *sigh*

And now I give you, those that made it to the poker game. Erwin, in an uncharacteristic moment of lucidity arrived first, planted his toes into the plush carpets and set about looking as smug as possible. I'm not sure Jory ever really LEAVES the poker table for very long so he was quite probably ALREADY here... ^_^;; Stellan is bashful. Aww.

And first to escape elimination, STELLAN!

Syrah's kiddie crab chair: *eyeballs Syrah's arse and feels up her glutes with glee*
Syrah: Hey I totally went to college, you know. Unlike all those other sims in Nett's legacies that aren't allowed to go so get through-the-mail degrees to placate her need for more want slots. Why does she even do that for her isbi sims, she can't SEE their wants. What's that about? Anyway, mine's more awesome cause I actually WENT there.

Yeaaaah, about that Syrah, you might've gone, and you might've done all the work, but its not like you actually stayed for the ENTIRE time, I sped those semesters up like a total milf coveting uber mofo.

Meanwhile, this happened. *headdesk* I have no idea what spurred this, I'm ASSUMING his crisis of existential proportions (that's totally a proportion, totes) shortcircuited his, well, circuits resulting in yet another amok-ridden scampering flail. I'm prettysure if I was a robot and I was so lonely I summoned a giagantic pink rabbit (check it out in the background there, frolicking in the kitchen) then I'd probably short-circuit too. LONELINESS?!?! DOES NOT COMPUTE!


And now we bring you, Poker faces. A study:

The stoic self satisfied visage. Even in the face of exploding synthetics.

And the unnassuming 'I might have something but really I'm just happy to be here' face. WHICH WILL BE MORE SUCCESSFUL?!

Me: No, because to my knowledge, no Super Saiyan's wore hats. I don't know about their mechanical level. Her attractions aren't MASSIVE BLONDE HYMALAYAS for hair and athletic, you know.

Jozef: *breaks down at being faced with this naked reality*
SocialBunny: *wonders what the heck to do now*
OtisTheopholes: *hones living statue skills*

And the poker game RATTLES on, Stellan at present being the champion of the moment. Whilst he pats his haul appreciatively, safe in the knowledge that he's, well, safe, Erwin tries to come on to Syrah with his lack-of-poker face.

See? Totes poker face fail.

Super cute though. xD ^_^

Theo? I'd cry too if a six food pink bunny had just appeared in my presence. There'd be no Jake Gyllenhall/Alice in Wonderland 'lol lol check out the freakish anthropomorphic bunny I'll follow you into the looking-glass bb' from me. Its okay my little pup.

Jory is out! And not because he needed to pee, phone home or had decided to take up a nice game of naughts and crosses (its a strange game, the only winning move is not to play. Though its better than chess, which is clearly for nerds ;)). Its cause he RAN OUT OF MONEY!

All that time at the poker table and you lose to an elf, a girl and a plant?


SYRAH WINS! So uh... Does that mean she's safe from elimination..? xD

Anyone think Stellan's got a good hand? Anyone? Dust? Bueller?

Social!Bunny: TEEHEHEEEE! I DO!!

And you'd be right, freakish rabbit of completely inexplicable origin.


Awwww, I'm sorry honey, better luck next time..? We miss you! *huggles*

Uh, I guess the poker game is over -- Stellan and Erwin are both safe from elimination - Stellan won three, Erwin two. Anyway, Syrah and Jory headed over to the hot tub for HOT SEXY TIMES! But some weird jump bug caused them to forfeit. THEY WERE SAD AND DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS AWKWARD MOMENT. So I sent Syrah to go have a cold shower. Jory had to deal with it in his own mysterious NightElfie ways. NO idea what they were, went and had a gay old time in the emerald dream perhaps?

Uh... WHOOPS! I forgot to pay the bills! ^_^;;;; HAI REPOMAN *gulps*

Um, Jozef? Just so you know, in case you weren't too sure, or had been watching WAY too much BattleStar Galactica, YOU CAN'T HAVE THIS. >_>;;;

Well he could NOW I guess if they adopted cause I have that hack that means adoption of a baby fulfills this want, BUT I DIDN'T HAVE IT THEN. So my point still stands.

Apparently, even though Stellan was the one to grace Syrah's bed this night, he decided subconciously that he sucked. Awww little one, what's with almost all these contestants having inferiority complexes?!? o_O;;


Whelp.. I wont be finding it here. Erwin HAS mastered his lack of water needs by popping himself into the pool when he starts getting low.. But he hasn't QUITE mastered the lack of sunshine issue, even though I have heat lamps all over the shop... ^_^;;;

WHO IS OUT?!?!?! Stellan and Erwin are safe, but it doesn't make any difference since the CLEAR LOSER is Jozef. The damn malfunctioning robot of malfunction. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT, JOZEF!? This means you're out!

And cause he was already broken down, I decided to just dump him bodily in the graveyard, and dispense with the FURNACY FIRE. xD xD


challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: rainbow legacy, challenges: date or incinerate, nett: kohler-wielle

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