Drabble time ~

Jan 01, 2011 19:28

Kazuya woke up abruptly and looked around him. His phone was ringing madly and a quick glance at the clock made him wonder who wanted to shorten his life for waking him in the middle of night. He reached for his mobile and saw the only person that had such a eager death wish. Flipping it open, he answered an ‘hello’ grumpily.

“Kaaaazuuuu~” came Jin’s voice in the phone making Kazuya squirm in pain. His nightmare.

“Jin, do you fucking realize what hour is?” he retorted angered at the man.

“What? It’s three o’clock in the afternoon.” Jin replied innocently and Kazuya couldn’t refrain from groaning in annoyance.

“Jin, I’m hanging up.” He said, getting read to push the red button when he heard Jin moan again.


“What?!” Kazuya yelled this time.

“I watched your performance.” Jin said in a small voice. “Plastic Tears.” Kazuya counted to ten. “And… and… and…”

“And what?!” Kazuya snapped, losing his temper at five.

“Why do you keep saying ‘dick’ in the bridge, Kazuuuu~” Jin whined unaware of the shock that he caused to the other one. “I could understand it is because of me, but still, Kaaazu! You were on Shounen Club, you should have at least refrained yourself…Everyone was listening!” Jin continued, still unaware of Kazuya’s shock. “What will everyone say now? They will sure think of us and how much you miss me, and I miss you too. And I am happy to see and hear this but still, it was a secret between us, ne?” he went on, stopping when he heard no response from Kazuya. “Ne, Kazu? Kazu?”

“Jin.” He finally heard, though the voice gave him the chills.

“Yes… Kazu?”

“When do you come back to Japan?”

“The day after tomorrow. Why?” Jin was afraid of the answer.

“No sex for a week.” said Kazuya and hang up.

Now Jin was in complete shock.


Now... the following drabble is somewhat special XDD That's because of two reasons: 1 ~ it's in Japanese (romaji! my pc doesn't have Japanese fonts >///<) and 2 ~ you can imagine whatever pairing you wish and it's totally childish understandable :D
So... I hope you'll like it ^^''

Yoru no naka ni, futari ga dakishimeteimasu.



“Suki desu ka?”





Futari ga warateimasu.



“Suki desu ka?”





Futari ga chuu wo shiteimasu.


Sore ja~ arigatou ~ <3 *huggles to everyone!*

fanfic: drabble

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