Lunch at The Phoenix

May 25, 2006 00:52

Date: May 25, 2000
Time: Afternoon
Location: The Phoenix
Character(s) Involved: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger
Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete
Rating: PG, possibly PG-13

After receiving Granger's note in the journals, Draco didn't hesitate to make his way down and into the kitchen.  So far he and Granger hadn't spoken much, which was odd considering they lived in the same house.  She was, in all likelihood, too busy with the Weasley and Draco had spent the last week with Pansy.  He couldn't say he missed her overmuch, but she was one of the brightest people that he knew and she did provide him with a great deal of amusement.

He also had to consider the fact that she was so willing to cook for him and she was actually good at it.

Draco walked into the kitchen and looked around for Granger.

"And what, may I ask," he said when he spotted her.  "Are you going to be making for me this lovely afternoon?"

status: complete, character: hermione granger, character: draco malfoy, location: the phoenix

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