Who's Who and What's What

Apr 15, 2006 03:42

Date: Saturday, April 15, 2000
Time: Gossip Rag Morning Edition
Character Involved: Who's Who and What's What, published by Rita Skeeter
Status: Complete
Rating: G

Strange Bedfellows

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter Plan to Move in Together

By - Rita Skeeter

After a series of shocking details were brought to my attention, I can report that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are, indeed, looking for a house together, possibly as more than just friends. This is surprising news across the board. It’s been reported that Mr. Potter is engaged to be married and Mr. Malfoy has never before been romantically linked to another man.  It’s practically outrageous to contemplate and one must wonder just what the truth is about the relationship between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

What are they to each other really? Are their interactions still tinged with childhood hatred and rivalry, have they moved past their differences to forge a tentative friendship, or are they two passionately entwined souls coming together beneath the cover of night and our own ignorance?

Many may recall that Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy grew up together. They were in the same year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in fact. They are the same age, had many of the same hobbies, and couldn’t stand each other when they were boys. This reporter, herself, paid witness to the animosity between the two in their youth. They wished each other nothing but ill-will, and I must admit that I hardly expected to see such a marked difference in so little time.

But a marked difference there is. Recently, rumours have begun surfacing about Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, who is, as previously reported, living with Severus Snape under dubious consent, questioning the nature of their relationship.

The pair have been spotted together before, lunching at The Leaky Cauldron (or imbibing in more than a few alcoholic drinks). Mr. Malfoy has also been known to accompany Mr. Potter and his best friend and fellow war hero, Ronald Weasley, on the occasional outing. Innocent enough, one would think. But perhaps not.

Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy were spotted together as recently as yesterday, not indulging in the normal pursuits of men. Rather, they took each other shopping. Not unheard of, two men shopping together, but these two men in particular caused some heads to turn. Rarely seen out of each other’s sights, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy appear to get along incredibly well.

"They were pretty funny," one witness said. "They teased each other pretty constantly. I thought it looked a bit like they were flirting."

Flirting? Surely that would be taking it too far. They must just be friendly with each other. A bit too friendly, according to some witnesses.

"They have a sort of . . . intense way with each other," one woman recalls. "Seems a bit queer if you catch my meaning."

We do, in fact.

This reporter, desperate to find the truth behind the speculation, went on a hunt for more details.

According to a very reliable source, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter are not only great friends, they are, in fact, planning to move in together. My source was stingy with the details, but it was implied that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter are much closer than most future roommates can boast to be. It is a fact, my lovely readers, that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are lovers.

What does this mean for everyone else? Well, ladies, if you thought Mr. Potter was off the market when he was engaged to Ginevra Weasley (an engagement that, as yet, hasn’t been dissolved) he most certainly is now. Questions remain as to whether or not Miss Weasley, or anyone else, is aware of this affair. No friends of either Mr. Potter or Mr. Malfoy were reachable for comment at the time of publication.

So, how did this happen? How did two seemingly heterosexual wizards come together and form such a bond? Is it simply experimentation? Is it just a way for Mr. Potter to get back at his fiancee for her reported link to Severus Snape?

It is doubtful that Mr. Potter, an upstanding citizen and our own personal hero, would do something so terrible to such a nice young girl, and there is no telling how long these two young men have been carrying on this affair. Perhaps merely weeks, perhaps a few long months.

Mr. Potter should be sure to tread carefully, however. Draco Malfoy is psychologically unstable according to a Healer in Charge currently employed at St. Mungo’s. He suffered a complete mental breakdown at the end of the war, cause unknown, and at his time of release was still not completely well. Mr. Malfoy has also allegedly shunned his parents, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, abandoning them in their time of need and leaving them with a void that cannot be filled. Add to that the fact that, as a defector to the side of Light during the war, Mr. Malfoy is sure to have many enemies and it would appear that the young heir to the Malfoy fortune is more trouble than he’s worth.

No one knows exactly when these two young lovers are planning to move in together, but one can only hope that Mr. Potter knows what he is doing.

~Rita Skeeter

publication: daily prophet, status: complete, character: rita skeeter

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