Date: June 14th
Time: Sometime in the evening
Location: A non-descript cafe in London
Characters Involved: Harry potter and Ginny Weasley
Rating: PG, for rebellion! Or... something.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. )
Comments 4
"I'm sure Luna would let you do that. I think she has a bit of a thing for you." She was teasing, of course, but when they went straight to business, what exactly was she supposed to say. Were they not friends? At least, for all intents and purposes, siblings?
She could be 'wounded' later. Now, they had a revolution to plan.
"I'm sure dad would be on our side. Hardly a surprise though, is it? I doubt many others would be willing to publicly associate with a cause that's blatantly anti-Ministry. Wouldn't look too good, would it? Do you think we should tell Remus?"
The thoughts came out smooshed together, which she hadn't really intended to do. Percy's voice, however, wouldn't stop playing in her head. You'll make things worse, he kept telling her. It won't ( ... )
"Yeah, your dad would be a good fellow to have. Though he's always been the better face of the Ministry," Harry added bitterly. Did he and the Ministry ever have their disputes--going back years before this latest injustice. "I know it's not a huge crowd, but a lot of people seemed upset about what happened to Mandy. Maybe they would stand with us against the Ministry."
He sighed. "Yeah, we should tell Remus. Maybe he'd think it was a bad idea though. I don't want to risk endangering anyone else in his pack."
That gave the witch plenty of time to draft an appropriate letter to send to the wolf. Mandy's death, any public display of affection for the pack, they were touchy subjects. Anything that would draw all of Wizarding Britain's attention to said prickly topics needed to be run by the Alpha wolf first. Ginny didn't intend any disrespect, and she'd hate to alienate those she considered family doing what she thought right.
It was right. Clearly, Percy's words were further under her skin than she realized.
"I hope he doesn't. It's selfish, but I like defying the ministry. Probably a trait I picked up from you, yeah?" She smiled and took a sip of her water. She was using the drink to busy herself, and she knew it.
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