Daily Prophet, Special Edition!

Mar 09, 2007 02:37

Date: Friday, 9 March
Time: Special Edition
Rating: PG

Missing Auror was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Found Dead
By Thaddeus Tweedle ((ooc: Written by Leigh))

The early morning work routine today was interrupted today by a gruesome discovery. Tristan Abner, first reported missing after his failure to arrive at the Ministry's memorial banquet last Thursday, was found dead on the steps of the Ministry of Magic.

One source stated that it was clear the victim was still alive - but barely - when placed on the pristine marble steps of the Wizarding Entrance to the Ministry of Magic. This cruel murder technique was a hallmark of some of the more savage Death Eater attacks during the war. The psychological trauma of knowing one's loved-one bled slowly to death, and that a few minutes might have made the difference, was a most effective terrorism tactic.

Another witness insists that she saw the Dark Mark gruesomely carved into the victim's flesh.

This is just one more in a series of recent violent crimes rumoured to be the work of Death Eaters. It is believed to be in retaliation of events during Wizarding Freedom Victory Day celebrations.

"There was a note stuck to the body. It said 'Happy Anniversary'," confessed a very distressed Emilia LaFleur, one of the first ministry workers to find the body.

Abner's violent murder seems to scream of Death Eater involvement. "I haven't seen anything so gruesome since the war," another ministry worker said.

"He'd obviously been held captive for a week. His body was malnourished and riddled with wounds, both magical and non." Auror Matt Ridenour told this reporter. "Investigations have begun to ascertain the full details of his death. Those responsible will be caught."

Was it revenge for the past holiday? Such a speculation is only natural in the light of the nature of the crime just a week after Wizarding Freedom Victory Day. Minister Shingleton is anxious to reassure the Wizarding Public.

"It really is very unlikely that this is the work of Death Eaters. We believe it is the work of rogue vandals and vigilantes of the sort who have recently vandalised shops in Diagon Alley. They probably only wanted to make it look like Death Eaters were involved, so as to throw my Law Enforcement people off their trail," insists Shingleton

But is it more?

Witnesses also claimed to have seen the infamous Voldemort bobblehead doll sold by Weasley Wizard Wheezes. The doll, which made its shocking debut during the past holiday, was bewitched to say "I'll be back!" with each bobble of his over-sized head. A haunting sentiment indeed!

"Yes, yes, a bobblehead was indeed found next to the body," the Minister for Magic himself said during the brief interview he gave to the press. "Though we don't believe the owners of the shop to be involved with the Death Eaters, we do hope that Weasley Wizard Wheezes will halt production of this doll for the safety of their customers. Moreover, considering the sorts of company those boys are known to keep, we will be having to keep an eye on their business and patrons."

The family of the victim was unavailable for comment.

publication: daily prophet

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