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Re: 19:20 birdwotcher March 11 2007, 03:52:40 UTC
Before the music had started, Tonks had been grateful for the chance to sit down, if only for a little while. Now that that time was up--had been up, really--she was seriously considering removing said shoes and just hope that no one would notice. Twenty minutes into her favourite band's set, and already she was ready to murder someone with her ridiculous heels.

Nursing a flute of champagne, she remained off to the side as she listened to the band play. The Weird Sisters -- even after a number of years, she was still a fan, and she tapped her pointer finger against the flute in time to the music. This song especially she loved. Thankfully she'd been spared having to dance with anyone yet tonight, but it'd been a close call all around, really. She had received a few compliments on her dress though, which had been nice, especially in the wake of Snape's sharp comments ( ... )


Re: 19:20 birdwotcher March 13 2007, 22:23:27 UTC
Tonks just stared at him, a dozen thoughts flying through her head. What had she done to make him angry all of the sudden? Obviously he was unhappy with something, and they'd been having a perfectly nice conversation!

"All right," she said, dropping her hands and any hint of cheerfulness in her voice. "In the space of fifteen seconds, you turned back into the grumpy bastard Snape who taught me Potions." Gripping the sleeve of his robe tightly so he wouldn't be able to run off on her without making a scene, she glared up at him.

"Tell me right now what I said or did to piss you off, because obviously I did something."


Re: 19:20 subtle_simmer March 14 2007, 01:10:48 UTC
"I did not turn 'back' into anything," he retorted. "I am as I have ever been - I am your grumpy Potions Master."

Schooling his expression into complete impassivity, he continued to guide her through the dance, refusing to be further ruffled or goaded by Nymphadora Tonks.

"You did nothing, and I am not 'pissed off'," he insisted. "I merely spotted Lucius Malfoy speaking to one of my seventh year students."

Which was true, but had little, if anything, to do with his ill humour.

"As I am always wary of his motivations, I dislike to see him attending to any of my students. He has distracted me, and soured my mood."


Re: 19:20 birdwotcher March 14 2007, 02:33:08 UTC
"No, you've changed," she insisted. "For the better. Not that you were all that bad to begin with, but you've changed." She sighed.

She didn't believe him. That was too strong a reaction overall to just be about Lucius Malfoy. Normally she wouldn't have pressed it too much--well, all right, maybe she would have. And she was going to this time. "Then why did you tense when I mentioned it to begin with?" she challenged. "I don't like not knowing what I did or what I said, so if it's all right, just telling me would be appreciated."

She sighed. "Isn't he supposed to be reformed?" Like she believed a word of it. "Talk to your student afterward. No use getting upset over it now, I suppose."


Re: 19:20 subtle_simmer March 14 2007, 02:51:09 UTC
The song was ending, and Severus had deftly manoeuvered them to the edge of the dance floor, on purpose to minimise the amount of time he would be required to spend in her now extremely distasteful company.

"Of course he is supposed to be reformed. As am I."

He tapped the collar visible at his throat, taking great risk in removing his hand from hers to do so.

"That does not mean I trust him any more than I trust anyone else - and a great deal less than most."

As he could see she would not let up without a fight - and he was equally unprepared to give in, he merely raised a haughty brow at her.

"You are dangerously close to prying into my personal affairs, girl. Now would be the prudent time to drop it. There is nothing more to discuss. If it is an issue which affects you, you will learn of it - but not from me ( ... )


Re: 19:20 birdwotcher March 14 2007, 03:07:20 UTC
Tonks clenched her jaw, but she didn't say anything. Let him be whatever it was he was being. See if she bloody well cared. There was no point in getting over an argument about it, although admittedly it'd been an enjoyable dance before this. Whatever she'd done, she wanted to know. And rather desperately. But she wasn't about to make a scene for it.

When he dropped her back off at her table, she merely allowed a curt nod and a terse "Good evening." Nothing left to say, and she wasn't going to fight it anymore. She'd figure it out later.


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