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19:14 diva_myron March 8 2007, 12:30:44 UTC
"We want your homes,
we want your lives,
we want the things you won't allow us.
We won't use guns,
we won't use bombs,
we'll use the one thing we've got more of - that's our minds.
And that's our minds."--

"Yeah," Myron finished the song with its last accord, as Kir dragged out the last note high into the evening sky. Walking up to the very edge of the stage, he leaned forward to peer at his audience, "So how did you like that?" His sunglasses had been lifted, resting a top of his head, eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. The faces before him seemed to be inscrutable, or perhaps it was just his own anxiety. It had been, after all, a few years since the band had actually worked on new material. Even if he had started writing the majority of lyrics a few months after the temporary disbandment of the band. Suddenly, he felt like back in several years in the beginning of their musical journey ( ... )


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 11 2007, 06:16:34 UTC
Fern bit her bottom lip as she smiled. "Thank you." Always, when she was complimented, she felt like a little girl in her reaction. Usually when she received them they were in the form of a jest from Seamus. Perhaps that's why she blushed at the word lovely.

"I don't count those as smiles!" Such an expression was one she'd come to detest. Even though they masqueraded as smiles, you could always tell which were real and which weren't. The fake ones broke Fern's heart.

"I came alone." Fern mentioned as her thumb roamed slowly across a wrinkle of his cotton shirt. "Nobody to stop me from dancing with a handsome young man!"


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 11 2007, 07:04:28 UTC
"You're most welcome." Bill didn't see a casual compliment as anything more than that, a compliment. When Bill usually saw her she was behind a bar, here in a lovely dress well, she looked lovely.

"Neither do I. You know we're in a sorry state of affairs when they're more common than real ones."

He laughed but her roaming thumb was slightly unsettling. "You wouldn't be flirting with a married man, now would you?" Bill winked, twirling her once again. Most women hardly noticed him these days and none would go so far as to call him handsome. Of course he didn't mind their innocent conversation, but if the situation was reversed... Bill knew he wouldn't want Fleur talking to someone like Fern was to him... But that might just be the slightly insane possessive part talking.


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 12 2007, 04:55:17 UTC
"That's the truth, isn't it?" Fern asked softly. It was more of a comment to herself than a question to Bill. She'd had her fair share in education on the subject. After all, a barkeep saw them most often.

Though the twirl wasn't accompanied by another squeal, her laughter would more than make up for it's absence. The sound completely washed away any thought of their previous conversation. As did his own laughter. It was a melodic sound, and laughter had a funny way of being contagious.

"Maybe a little," she replied bashfully. "But if I can be lovely, then you can be handsome!"


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 12 2007, 05:52:28 UTC
When her voice softened, Bill gave her hand a friendly squeeze. Most of those who drank at The Leaky weren't the happiest of people and Bill could imagine it would get you down, day after day, surrounded by drunks and depression.

It was good to lighten the mood and her laughter did just that, Fern sort of reminded him of Ginny, in a way, something about her laugh, like when Ginny laughed he wanted to keep it happening.

"Best watch out, the little woman can pack a curse" he grinned as he pulled her close enough for a tame dip towards the dance floor "And that hex will most likely be sent my way and I'll be handsome no longer.

"And we'll be back to you being lovely and me being charred." Bill said as he straightened her up.


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 12 2007, 06:10:36 UTC
The happy mood was exactly what she was hoping to find by attending tonight. She expected tears and memories, but most of all she wanted to laugh. Of course, she also wanted to dress up. That was something that could go unsaid of a woman. But the laughter-- it felt good.

Her soft squeal woudl resurface at the dipping. Her hands grasped him tightly, not in fear that he would drop her, but surprise. She'd never actually been dipped before in her life. By the time she was upright, her face was so red she could swear she looked more like a cherry than a person.

"Of course! I should start being afraid." Fern remarked. "I'd hate to be the reason you'd get hexed!"


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 12 2007, 06:44:58 UTC
Bill hadn't expected to smile, he'd sat through the memorial with a straight face and had sat towards the side trying to avoid contact. But here he was, chuckling away.

"I take it you've never had a propper dance before? With all the bells and whistles?" The Weasley's weren't the richest of families, but they were purebloods all the same and he'd learnt to dance rather well when he was younger (before he prompty forgot it all and lost himself in muggle clubs) and it must have stuck because he was remembering how.

"Not to worry, I'll take what I've got coming to me." Bill put on mock-brave face, releasing her waist for a moment to rake his hair back from where it hung in his eyes.


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 12 2007, 07:20:28 UTC
And what a sight a laughing Bill was!

"No, not exactly." Fern mentioned. "Not since I grew too big to dance on my da's shoes." She was little then - despite most people describing her as that now - but could remember it well. He would put his records on and dance with her in their livingroom. When she was a little, it was always Moon River because he had said it was her mother's favorite. After that it was My Funny Valentine because she'd liked the way Chet's voice filled the room with the gentle, mournful notes.

"You're a brave man!" She said with a soft laugh. "Is she here tonight? Your wife?"


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 12 2007, 12:14:22 UTC
Ah yes, the dancing-on-shoe-trick. "My sister and I used to dance like that, when she was little, although now, I suspect she's a better dance than I." He'd seen Ginny earlier, looking much too grown up for her own good. Oh how times had changed.

"Fleur? No, she" punished me by making me come alone "didn't feel up to it" we had a fight about nothing "I think she might be coming down with something" and I just know I'm sleeping on the couch.

"I suppose that's why I was keeping to the side. Not used to attending these things alone, it seems." It wasn't like Fleur to not come to something like this, even though they had their problems. Bill's hand had returned to Fern's waist, where he gently fiddled with his wedding band. "Now sure I could even tie my tie anymore without help." He was joking of course, Bill was quite capable but the point remained the same.


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 12 2007, 20:24:09 UTC
"So you were the good brother, then?" Fern teased.

"That's a shame." If a bartender ever had a curse, it would be knowing when something was wrong. She'd learned the signs quickly under Seamus' tutelage. More than the look on his face, or the way he spoke of her, it was the movement at her back that truly gave him away. Her instinct was to say something, to talk it out of him until he confessed, but she said nothing. Instead, she smiled.

"So that would explain the absence of the tie, then?"


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 13 2007, 05:02:34 UTC
"I'd had a lot of practice by then, but she was the first girl and the baby of the family. We've always been close."

He was thankful Fern didn't press for anything more, it wan't something he wanted to talk about, it was bad enough having to think about it. "It is, I'm sure you two would have got along well."

Bill grinned as he looked down at the open neck of his shirt, buttons undone in a much too casual manor. "It must, although I never planned to wear it in the first place. This isn't my kind of event. Give me jeans and a leather jacket anytime." Buttoned up and being strangled by a tie made Bill feel so confined and trapped and it always reflected in his mood.


Re: 19:30-ish mostfalldown March 15 2007, 06:10:42 UTC
"That's charming." She mentioned with a slight smile, a small laugh. "I really envy that. I never had a brother. I had to stick frogs in my pocket on my own."

Fern took a step back from their dancing for a brief moment, regarding his choice of outfit. It was a teasing gesture that would be marked by the way she laughed and the rosy pink color he cheeks turned. "I know how you feel." Shaking her head, she took a step back into their dance. "I much prefer a sweater, and jeans of course." Her eyes rose to met his only after her blush had faded. "I'm not much of a dress and heels sort."

With the last spin, Fern's hand squeezing his tightly, the music faded. The look of disappointment couldn't be kept from her face as their steps ended with the music. It was in that moment, her sad smile, that she realized that she enjoyed their dance more than she had thought. It wasn't often that she had a dance partner.

"Thank you for letting me drag you out of your corner. It was a pleasure."


Re: 19:30-ish billthedefender March 15 2007, 06:39:47 UTC
"Couldn't imagine my life any other way." He smiled fondly at the thought of his family, brothers, oh a life without brothers, unimaginable.

He rolled his eyes as she examined him, but took the chance to appreciate how very little she was. In conversation, her personality quite made up for her height and he hardly even noticed. There was no doubting Fern was a strong woman, but in such a figure hugging dress and despite the heels she looked tiny.

By the time the music faded, he'd forgotten why he hadn't wanted to dance. Bill gave Fern's hand a gentle squeeze in response, noticing the way her face fell. "Not to worry, you'll be swept off your feet as soon as we separate. You dancing isn't over for tonight." Bill smiled as he released her and stepped away.

"You know me and my fondness for a drink, I won't be a stranger." Turning away he was already a few feet away before he looked back over his shoulder briefly "And the pleasure was all mine." With one last smile he was well on the way back to his drink and his corner.


Re: 19:14 m4moony March 13 2007, 17:02:37 UTC
Once he got out and danced some, Remus began to enjoy himself a bit. This was a Hogwarts' event after all, and the general aire was not quite as stuffy and full of itself as a Ministry event. Though he was still smarting over the lack of response his speech had engendered, -- not that he had truly, in his heart of hearts expected anyone to be listening -- that didn't mean he should brood this night away.

Leaving Katie at the end of their dance, Remus moved around the outskirts of the dance floor, still keeping an eye on 'security' but taking the time to acknowledge more people directly now.

Which is how he came across his young, and for this evening very bubbly, assitant.

"Enjoying yourself, Hermione?" He asked with a smile, coming up alongside the young woman and offering an arm for a hug.


Re: 19:14 thelastgranger March 13 2007, 21:46:28 UTC
She'd not stopped dancing the whole night, she'd just left Dean's arm and was looking around for her own date when Remus appeared at her side. Hermione grinned up at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I am, very much so." Hermione answered as she released the Professor's waist. The grin on her face hadn't wavered, from her first dance with Severus and well up until now.

"What about you? Have you managed to enjoy yourself even a little bit?" Flexing her feet inside her shoes, she was glad for the cushioning charm on the souls and definitely had a few more dances in her.

Taking hold of his hand she took a hold of the masses of red material before placing one foot behind the other in a deep curtsey. "Would you consider dancing with your assistant? Despite the rumors likely to follow"


Re: 19:14 m4moony March 15 2007, 03:12:19 UTC
Remus couldn't remember the last time he had seen such a brilliant smile on this particular young woman's face. Squeezing her tightly, he smiled warmly himself as he let her go.

"Yes, I can see that you are." He chuckled softly, enjoying the easy cheerfulness that seemed to radiate from her. "Considering the rumors that might start were I to ask a certain housemate of mine to dance instead, I think I can handle whatever they throw at me for a dance with my favorite assistant."

He bowed rakishly in response to her curtsy, winking at her slyly before holding out his hand in invitation. Though they'd never spoken of it, he was fairly certain Hermione was one who had long ago figured out the tuth of his association with Severus -- he would have been disappointed had she not. So, he felt comfortable teasing in such a manner with her where he would not have most others.

"Shall we?"


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