He was no Knight, but she was definitely a Damsel in Distress

Oct 12, 2006 01:41

Date: Wednesday, 11 October
Time: Noon - backdated slightly to before Pansy's Party
Place: Fleur Weasley's home
Characters Involved: Fleur Weasley and Severus Snape
Rating: Not more than PG. Being now somewhat addicted to the charms of a certain werewolf, Severus is quite immune to Veela allure.

'If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.' ~Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) )

status: complete, location: ottery st catchpole, status: invitation only, character: severus snape, character: fenrir greyback, character: fleur delacour-weasley

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Comments 8

elegante_fleur October 13 2006, 03:33:47 UTC
On the stove the teapot began whistling just as the knock on the door resounded through the house. She moved the kettle from the stove and set it to begin cooling. She'd gone to Hogwarts early and helped Flitwick prepare, and after helping in his NEWTS class and sitting her 'tutoring' hour; she was free for the day.

Stopping in front of a mirror she pressed a hand to her face. Her skin seemed thinner, her eyes darker, she looked sick, frail, but maybe it was just her mind.

She shook her head and ran a hand over her hair. She wouldn't be here the day or night of the full moon, and she'd fought hard to only be as far away as Hogwarts. She couldn't be there, but she would do what she could to ensure Bill's safety.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Severus. Would you like a cup of tea before you start, or are in somezzing of a 'urry?"


subtle_simmer October 13 2006, 04:18:31 UTC
It didn't take someone with his powers of observation to see all the signs of the stress she was currently experiencing. Her complexion was very similar to Draco's, and so were the symptoms. There the similarity ended, however, as he might have known how to comfort Draco to some extent.

"Nothing, thank you, Mrs Weasley," he said, peering into her anxious face. "I should get straight to work. You are correct - your wards have been breached. Lupin has a ward which will be more effective than anything I can provide you at this juncture. I've made modifications to accommodate what he will apply in a few days."

She looked so distressed, he actually worried that she might faint.

"Perhaps you ought to sit down, and tell me when you first noticed the intrusion?"


elegante_fleur October 13 2006, 05:13:29 UTC
"Oui, I understand." She said softly as she closed the door behind him. Gesturing towards the kitchen she led him through her living room, "We can 'ave a seat in ze kitchen. I will pour tea, and you can partake or not as you'd like, but my mother-in-law.. Well, you know Molly." She sighed as she picked up the kettle.

"I saw ze first mark on Sunday. I was in ze garden, clipping blooms for a bouquet. Eet was not zere when I walked out to ze flowerbeds, I am sure. 'Owever when I started for ze 'ouse eet was in ze middle of ze path. 'E must 'ave left it while my back was turned. So, I would.." She shuddered softly, "So I would know 'e 'ad been watching me." She frowned as she poured the tea with shaky hands.

"Zere 'ave been a number of ozzer clues of same. Tucked away where Bill would not see zem. Where zey would be quite obvious to ze woman of ze 'ouse. As eef eet were a game. I suppoze eet iz to 'im."


subtle_simmer October 13 2006, 05:22:18 UTC
Severus did not sit, or drink the tea, but rather paced the room, his brow furrowed in thought as he listened.

He did not want to frighten her further, but if Greyback had left the first 'sign' on Sunday - he had likely been canvassing the area for weeks before hand, to ensure himself of his 'out', to be certain he would not be caught in his game.

"I am afraid you are likely correct - a game, indeed. Does your husband know of this? No amount of warding can keep out a determined attacker. If Greyback wants to play cat-and-mouse with you... you would be safer if you were away from the house. Somewhere he couldn't reach you so easily."

Severus was grateful for Lupin's warnings in regards to the situation before he arrived. He had used various charms on himself to conceal his own scent. The last thing he needed, just now, was for Greyback to recognise his intervention here at the Weasley household ( ... )


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