Hogwarts Open House, Day Three

Aug 28, 2006 11:57

Date: Monday, 28th August
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Place: Any unlocked door in the school.
Characters Involved: Anyone who wishes to attend. (Remember to add your character's 'tag' if you enter the thread here.)

The grounds have been beautifully restored, with the addition of decorative flowers and balloons strategically placed here and there. The Quidditch Pitch is entirely new, including the finest in shock-absorbing sand for maximum safety of the players, and collision-proof charms around the spectator stands - no more accidents from players colliding with their fans! Locker rooms and a larger and better-stocked Broom-Shed include the Quidditch area.

The Green Houses are in their original place, but are larger than before and also brand-new. Hagrid's Hut has been re-roofed but otherwise stands as it has ever done. Charming paths still wind through the grounds, with benches strategically located in shady copses of trees and along the bank of the lake. If one is patient, one is sure to see a tentacle of the Giant Squid, as though he, too, is waving a cheery 'hello' to the visitors after such a long period of quiet.

The White Tomb near the edge of the lake has been covered in flowers.

Inside the school itself, changes are far more difficult to notice. On the ground floor, it is possible to tell where some of the floor-masonry had to be replaced, and the cleanliness of certain passages in the dungeons reveal where foundational damage had to be completely rebuilt. The Great Hall is as it ever was, including the enchanted ceiling. The castle has been so completely over-hauled for safety that all the masonry has been re-pointed and even the grout in the toilets appears brand-new. Candles flicker less than formerly because there simply isn't the problem of draft through the cracks of the old masonry.

The air fairly crackles with magic, the ghosts still wander through the corridors and will be delighted to converse with visitors or point the way if anyone is lost. Even the house Common Rooms will be open for any visitors during this weekend - though the dorm-rooms are locked. Likewise private living quarters of the Professors and the staff room are also locked.

The Room of Requirement is still there for those who know what to look for, and functions as it has always done.

Some portraits have been rearranged. Every piece of fabric from the bed-curtains around the student beds, to the upholstery of the furniture, to the tapestries hanging on the walls has been cleaned or replaced. As has every candelabra, torch-sconce, window pane, picture frame, and every nook and cranny of the castle from top to bottom.

The same, yet different. Familiar, yet strange.

The remnants of last night's Ball have been cleared away, leaving the Great Hall prepared for students, all the House Tables in their neat, long rows.

The great oaken doors stand eagerly open to welcome visitors and life back inside the building. Come have a look around!

status: open, event: carnival, location: hogwarts, event: hogwarts, character: seamus finnigan

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