Daily Prophet Friday Edition

Aug 18, 2006 12:48

Date: Friday August 18, 2000
Time: Morning Edition
Characters Involved: The Daily Prophet
Rating: G

Hogsmeade Carnival Rapidly Approaching!
Have You Reserved Your Space for Your Exhibit?

Minerva McGonagall Announces Staff Appointments and Vacancies.

The Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has released the current list of staff appointments and vacancies. There are a number of wholly new positions never seen before at the school, and the Scotswoman assures us there are more 'improvements' in the works, many of which will be announced at the opening of the Ball on the final evening of the Carnival and Grand Re-Opening.

Historically, each new Headmaster or Headmistress of the school has effected changes here and there which give the school their own unique 'flair', as it were. Still, in light of the recent war, one would hope Headmistress McGonagall wouldn't be too eager to shake things up. Familiarity and normality is what the Wizarding World yearns for, now.

Her only reply to this observation was a Mona Lisa smile and a cagey, "We'll just have to wait and see, won't me?"

Here, then, are the appointments and vacancies. You will note that many of the key teaching positions also have Teachers Assistant positions alongside them. This is McGonagall's first new 'addition'.

"It is a Muggle practice at many of the higher schools and Universities, and one which I feel it is high-time we adapt to our own culture. Teaching children properly is a challenging job, and having an assistant to help answer questions, mark papers, and be involved in the classroom will enhance the students' educations while ensuring even higher standards of excellence in our future Professors," said McGonagall, by way of explanation.

Whether or not a subject has an Assistant position available has been left to the discretion of the professor of that subject.

Apparently, these 'Assistants' are intended to be persons with some skill in their subject, but also with a certain degree of desire to be Professors in their own right, someday. An interesting theory, but do we really need to adopt Muggle methods to teach wizarding children?

Hogwarts Faculty and Staff:

Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmaster: Filius Flitwick

Gryffindor Head of House: Remus Lupin, Werewolf, and recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, for actions during the war. He remains on the Ministry Registry.
Ravenclaw Head of House: Filius Flitwick
Slytherin Head of House: Severus Snape, convicted Death Eater, known Murderer of Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster of Hogwarts. Professor Snape has received a full pardon, and has also been awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, for actions during the war. He remains on the Ministry Registry.
Hufflepuff Head of House: Pomona Sprout

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Professor Remus Lupin
Transfiguration: Position, and Assistant Position both Open
Charms: Professor Filius Flitwick
Assistant: Mrs Fleur Weasley, nee Delacour, Beauxbaton's Triwizard Tournament Champion of 1994
Potions: Professor Severus Snape
Herbology: Professor Pomona Sprout
Assistant Position Open
Divination: Professor Sybill Trelawney and Professor Firenze, Centaur.
It should be noted here that Hogwarts is the only known Wizarding Educational Institution for Humans which sports a Centaur Professor
Astronomy: Professor Stella Sinistra
History of Magic: Professor Binns - McGonagall is quite insistent that no attempts have or will be made to Exorcise this ghost from his position.
Care of Magical Creatures: Rubeus Hagrid, Half-Giant.
Assistant Position Open
Arithmancy: Professor Vector
Assistant Position Open
Flying Instructor and Head of Quidditch Department: Professor Hooch
It should be noted that Headmistress McGonagall has plans to greatly expand the Quidditch Program at Hogwarts, and is looking for at least two Quidditch Coaches, though she says she hopes to hire four. She will reveal no further details of her plans at this time, but says she has been recruiting heavily amidst the Professional Quidditch Teams, particularly among those players nearing likely retirement
Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies: At the time of this printing, the former Professors of these positions have not returned their letters of intent, so these positions, and related Assistant positions, are considered 'open' for the time-being.

All Professors and their Assistants are provided lodgings within the castle itself, or an additional living stipend if they choose not to reside within the school. While the 'Grand Opening' to the public will not occur until the Hogsmeade Carnival Weekend, the teachers are permitted to begin moving their possessions into the school beginning on Saturday, 19 August.

One can only hope Headmistress McGonagall knows what she is doing, with so many Registrants on the staff list! Her goal is for Hogwarts to become 'a shining example for unity in spite of our differences, for everyone in the Wizarding World'.

We wish her well.

Society Column Reports Rumour of a Secret Malfoy Child!

publication: daily prophet, status: complete, status: admin announcements

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