Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000
Time: Mid-afternoon
Place: Pansy's flat
Characters Involved: Perry Derrick, Pansy Parkinson, invitation only
Rating: R for language and suggestive material
It was Thursday afternoon and Perry was tired and sore, but it had little to do with the full moon. The transformation was never easy, though with the potions Snape gave them it had become much more bearable; enough so that Perry, who normally had a hard time waking up the day afterward, could obtain coherence and even locomotion by the afternoon.
It was for that reason that he had not canceled his training session with Oliver Wood Thursday morning. He felt a bit sluggish, but his body at least allowed him to keep up with Wood's rigorous pacing. His muscles ached afterward, but he felt refreshed after a shower, and knew his extraordinary body would heal itself by morning.
And here with Pansy, undressed, in a familiar position but a different bedroom, the ache and drowsiness returned and neither had much to do with workouts or potions. Somehow they were here again, just like last time, from aloof banter and vicious words, to deep kisses, to hands grabbing fabric and hair, to wet skin on wet skin, to not so loud gasps and moans and not so quiet screams.
How did he manage to come here again?
They were quite a chaotic pair. Pansy could drive him mad and in the same breath draw him closer, make him feel hot and cold and hot again without even a touch.
In a word, she was exhausting. No, two words: fucking exhausting. There was something both thrilling and forbidden here, and it was thrilling because it was forbidden. But more than that it was just plain frightening.
Yet, lying here between her sheets, her body against his and sleep wedging its way in, Perry thought he could stay here all day.