(no subject)

Jul 14, 2006 20:44

Date: July 14, 2000
Time: mid-morning
Location: Diagone Alley
Character(s) Involved: Hannah Abbott, Colin Creevey, and Terry Boot
Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Rating: PG

Hannah sighed as she took out the small envelope of coins she'd hidden in a drawer in her room and tucked them into her pocket. Her father was downstairs watching television and she felt guilty about going shopping without him. They had done just about everything together for the past few years and forcing her father to realize she was not his little girl anymore was breaking her heart. Still, it had to be done. She had been his sole care taker since her mother died but it was time she take care of herself. Besides, he wouldn't have come on this shopping trip with her even if she invited him. He wanted nothing more to do with the wizarding world and had begged Hannah not to return. She had cried every night for a week when he first caught her returning from Diagon Alley. Now as her trips became more frequent they fought more often. So here she was, bedroom door locked, stereo blasting to cover the sound of apparation as she focused on a sidewalk in the alley.

The reason for today's trip was to retrieve a new crystal ball. Her's had been broken by a client's irate husband. He'd rushed in during a reading last evening knocking over her table. The ball bounced one then split clean down the middle. Even though he'd scared away one of her clients his ranting that she'd been the one to cause him to lose his job was bound to be a bit good for business. Of course, the prediction she'd made to his wife, Someone close to you will lose something important, was about as generic as predictions came. Now, as she walked down the street she laughed at the thought that she had made a real prediction. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a crowd of youngsters in front of Quality Quidditch Supplies. While, she'd never played the memory of watching with her grandfather had always help to kindle the love for the excitement of a good game. Pushing past the children, she decided to have a look around.

"May I help you?" an eager assistant greeted her within moments of her entrance.

"I'm just looking around," she smiled walking through the store. As she walked over to a rack of team paraphernalia she noticed the assistant had kept her within reach. These guys must work on commission she thought trying to calm her nerves as she traced her fingers lightly over a Kestrels jersey.

"They're doing wonderfully this year aren't they," the clerk said obviously trying to hide his own preferences in order to make a sale. Of course, he had no way of knowing that it didn't really matter to Hannah which teams were having good seasons as she hadn't kept up with the league in quite awhile.

"Yes, I suppose they are," she said cheerfully trying to hide her ignorance. "How much?" She took the shirt from the hanger and held it up to see how it looked.

"15 Sickles," he quickly replied in hopes of making the sale.

"Great, I'll take it," she followed the man to the register to make the purchase before heading back out into the sun. "Now then, do I want a brand new crystal ball or one with a history," she pondered as she stepped out into the sun. Turning in the direction of the used goods shop, she heard a young man calling for Prophet sales. Hannah made a mental note to stop by the subscription office and get the paper delivered starting tomorrow. Continuing on her way, she hoped she found a decent crystal ball at the used good store because used crystal balls tended to have a stronger aura than new ones that had never been activated.

character: colin creevey, status: complete, character: hannah abbott, character: terry boot, location: diagon alley

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