Title: Of Prefects and Punctuality (1/13)
Character Pairing: Percy Weasley/Penelope Clearwater
Prompt: holier than thou
Rating: PG
Word Count: 920
Summary: Percy makes quite the impression at his first Prefect meeting.
Author's Note: First prompt for my Penny/Percy
rarepair_shorts table.
Link to Prompt Table:
Here! (
Of Prefects and Punctuality (1/13) )
Comments 13
2. You write a fantastic Percy. Srsly, he's so pompously perfect.
3. *smooshes Penny* Oh, Percy is stuffy and annoying, but you can't deny the attraction. ;)
2. *blushes* Thanks. He's very much against contractions. xD Weirdo.
3. Well, she was being nice for a reason! Cute bumbling Gryffindor that also learned how to read? They don't issue many of those. And then it backfired on her horribly.
*Ahem* Moving on.
Perfectly Prattish Percy, how we love you. Really. How can you not know a girl you've shared four years worth of class with? Now granted, it was History of Magic, but still, unacceptable.
Penelope is awesome. Responsible, sensible but normal. She's not a Hermione nor a Percy but she's smart and responsible enough to be a prefect. I like that.
These two make a lovely couple.
I expect this prompt table to be very entertaining :)
Glad you like Penny. :D She is pretty normal though she's a Ravenclaw and does have some quirks when it comes to academia and studying which we'll definitely see later.
Hope you enjoy whats to come!
LOVE IT. I giggled my way through most of it.
Fave line: What kind of Prefect was she?
Great job, dood!
:D Yeah, Percy's utterly horrified at the thought that not only is she passing notes but she's a Prefect passing notes in a meeting for Prefects. The ranks have been infiltrated! RED ALERT!!!111
Thank you!
... thank you. I now have that pesky alarm sound in my brains. :P (though it's mildly amusing given Percy's running about, brandishing a cauldron)
Percy's reaction to Penelope was hilarious! :D
Glad you liked it!
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