(no subject)

Feb 03, 2010 22:21

End of term report, Spring term 1946. Brown, Carlotta
(Previous results in brackets)

Exam subjects
English - 12/15 (11/15) (12/16)
Maths - 9/15 (10/15) (9/16)
French - 1/1 (15/15) (14/16)
Science - 6/15 (4/15) (5/16)
Home Ec Cooking - 4/15 (1/15) (1/16)
Home Ec Textiles - 1/6 (1/6) (3/7)
Home Ec Carpentry - 1/1 (1/1) (1/2)
Latin - 10/15 (6/15) (7/16)

Non-exam subjects
Art - Good work
Music - Good work
Gym - 1/15 (1/15) Games 13/15 (11/15)
Swimming - 13/15 (13/15) Diving 1/15 (1/15)
Religious Studies - 6/15 (4/15)

Form teacher's report
Carlotta is a delightful member of the form who is clearly trying her hardest. Her unusual French grade is due to a mistake in which she was given the sixth form exam paper by accident. Mam'zelle reports that she actually performed very well considering, but it would not be fair to compare her to the form members who did the easier paper.
I am confident that Carlotta will pass the exam at the end of the year providing she keeps up the good work but doesn't overdo it.
-Miss Cornwallis

Headmistress' report
Carlotta has shown excellent responsibility this term, both generally and by running a gym club for some of the first form. Her mistresses all report excellent conduct.
-Miss Theobald
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