SPN Fanworks Calendar

Jan 09, 2014 22:29

I wanted to be able to keep track of the upcoming fanworks challenges/exchanges, so I built a calendar. I figure I can't be the only one who would find this useful, so I've made it available for public viewing here (sadly LJ won't let me embed it).

I'll update it as new deadlines become posted, by following spnnewsletter, but you can also email me additions or changes at spnfanworks@gmail.com or comment to this post.

The calendar can be viewed by week, month or in a list (agenda), by clicking the tabs at the top right. It can also be viewed in your own google calendar (if you have a gmail account) by clicking the +Google Calendar icon at the bottom right.

Currently there are deadlines for the following challenges/exchanges:

a_b_o_ladies - multifandom femslash and het ficathon (fic)
artpaperscissor - a Supernatural and RPF art tag challenge (art)
blood-and-pie - Moonstruck, a Supernatural Valentine Exchange (fic/art/whatever)
cakehole_club - a Supernatural & Supernatural RPF Podfic Big Bang challenge (podfics/art)
casestory - multifandom case-fic themed big bang (fic/art/podfic)
cottoncndybingo - multifandom schmoop-themed bingo challenge (fic/art/vid/podfic/whatever)
deancasbigbang - Dean/Castiel big bang challenge (fic/art)
dragonbigbang - multifandom dragon-themed big bang (fic/art)
evilsam_spn - Evil Sam Fright Fest 2014 - Samhain/All Hallows' Eve/Halloween/Day of the Dead/Shadowfest-themed fest (fic/art/vids/podfic/anything)
gabriel_bigbang - a big bang challenge centered around the character of Gabriel (fic/art)
genteensybang - a challenge for fans of Genevieve Cortese-Padalecki and the characters she's played on Supernatural (fic/art)
podficbigbang - multifandom podfic big bang
polybigbang - multifandom polyamory-themed big bang (fic/art)
sabrielbigbang - a Sam/Gabriel-themed big bang challenge
salt_burn_porn - a 24-hour tagged Supernatural & Supernatural RPF challenge (fic)
samdean_otp - Sam & Dean Minibang (fic/art)
sammessiah - Antichristmas exchange (fic/art)
spacebigbang - multifandom space-themed big bang (fic)
spn_bigpretzel - Supernatural-themed spring fic exchange (fic/art)
spn_cinema - an SPN/RPF fanwork challenge, where movies serve as the basis (fic/art/vids/podfics)
spn_gen_bigbang - an SPN gen bigbang (fic/art/podfic)
spn_hardcore_bb - an SPN hardcore bigbang (fic/art/podfic)
spn_j2_bigbang - Supernatural and J-Squared Big Bang Challenge (fic/art)
spn_j2_xmas - Supernatural and CWRPF Xmas gift exchange (fic/art)
spn_masquerade - SPN fandom's semi-annual festival of kink (fic/art)
spn_meanttobe - an SPN/RPF challenge based on summaries from Harlequin romance novels (fic/art)
spn_otpkink - Wincest/J2 kinkmeme round (fic/art)
spn_reversebang - This is a reverse of the usual SPN Big Bang challenge (fic/art)
spnaubigbang - an SPN big bang challenge with an AU focus (fic/art)
spnfemminibang - an SPN femmeslash minibang (fic/art)
spnopera - an opera-themed fanwork challenge (fic/art)
spnspringfling - an SPN/RPF fanwork exchange (fic/art)
spn_summergen - a gift exchange for Supernatural gen fic (fic)
super_disney - Disney-themed Supernatural fic/art challenge (fic/art)
tfwbigbang - a Team Free Will big bang challenge (fic)
wincestbigbang - a Wincest-themed big bang challenge (fic/art)
zombi-fic-ation - a multi-fandom zombie-themed fic challenge (fic)

If you know of any that have published deadlines that I've missed, please drop me a comment!

Please note that if you are participating in a challenge you should always verify the deadlines at the challenge site. This calendar is for convenience but the "bible" is always the challenge community!

fanworks calendar

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