Drabble marathon: #9.

Apr 11, 2009 01:15

Wow, this writing stuff sure gets harder when you, like, don't do it for two solid months. Wacky!

#9, for U., who asked for John Sheppard, judge or Teyla Emmagan, awkward. SGA, Sam/Teyla, implied John/Rodney, also close-but-no-cigar on being safe for work. Set after the finale but almost entirely unspoilery; also unbetaed and prone to liberally ( Read more... )

sga, drabble fail, fanfiction

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Comments 12

almostnever April 11 2009, 09:49:57 UTC
The hot, the awkward, the promise... I love it all! :D Oh John Sheppard, I kind of suspect you were just upset because that was the table you had your heart set on using with Rodney.


ladyoflisquill April 11 2009, 10:58:59 UTC
Brilliant. Love that Rodney and Sam got to share the joke with each other.

Also so hot! :Mmmm: want more Sam/Teyla now.


ex_kisa_haw April 11 2009, 14:15:37 UTC
Ahahaha! Yes! I love the whole thing, but the acknowledgement between Sam and Rodney is the best. Perfect.

Also, Sam/Teyla, hothothothothot. <3


thingswithwings April 11 2009, 14:52:58 UTC
oh, awesome. Hot, and funny, and so COMPLETELY in character, I can't even tell you. I now really crave more Sam/Teyla, if you're going to write them like this! And the whole thing where Teyla and John are just really bad at being BFFs is completely adorable. Oh John, shocked and horrified by his friend Teyla making out in the kitchen! With someone who is in the military! As if he hadn't been about to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I love them all desperately.


celli April 11 2009, 16:32:14 UTC
Hot and adorable and AWESOME.


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