Oh hon, I loved this story so much the first time. So much clarity on who these two are. Your version of this really is my head canon for Exodus. Reading it with your commentary makes it even richer. I really appreciate how you bring out both the nobility of Megatron's cause, the the truth that, in the end, the Empire did a great deal of harm, and may have been incredibly powerful, but was also evil.
Yet the response of created the rigid caste system was no better. I love the ethical complexity, the idea that the Autobots do have a more global sensibility, and yet, at the same time, will never really understand the needs of those who are sparked and coded as warriors.
Great stuff. So rich, and love all of the material you draw on and think about when you are writing.
Comments 2
Yet the response of created the rigid caste system was no better. I love the ethical complexity, the idea that the Autobots do have a more global sensibility, and yet, at the same time, will never really understand the needs of those who are sparked and coded as warriors.
Great stuff. So rich, and love all of the material you draw on and think about when you are writing.
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