Title: The Choice
Characters/Pairing: Galvatron/Cyclonus (briefly -- if you're someone who only likes gen, you can skim that bit. I hope you won't overlook this fic, as the point isn't the slash), Soundwave, the ever-present specter of Megatron (there's a definite reason I include him in the character list, though I can't say more without
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Comments 2
First of all - GUH! *dies of AWESOME* This was simply amazing and I love how you made Cyclonus /aware/ of who he was and how he has changed into something new. Everything about this fic is just...wow. Galavatron and Megatron's fight for dominance within the same frame/being is a very interesting idea and I love that he regressed to memories of he and Starscream (one of many OTPs).
I know it's not really the focus of this story, but the question will not leave me alone. Does Megatron, as much as he and Starscream fought, hate/regret that his Galvatron persona killed Starscream...or is he even aware that it has happened?
And Megatron doesn't know. I don't think those memory files are completely inaccessible to him, but those events basically happened to someone else. If someone told him what had happened he'd probably dimly remember it and be able to access those memories and confirm it, but on his own... not really. In the context of the story he's basically just struggling to survive and take control.
And yeah, he'd be very, very angry. He wouldn't consider Galvatron to be "himself," he'd consider him an interloper foisted on him by Unicron, and to discover that said interloper had killed Starscream and used his own servos to do it would NOT make him a happy mech.
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