Fic: By Any Other Name, chapter 3

May 18, 2014 12:50

Title: By Any Other Name, Ch. 3/3
Author: meself, fid_gin
Beta: unfolded73
Pairing: It's Loved 'verse, so overall it's Ten II/Ten/Rose. This chapter is a bit of everything, and a whole lot of Rose/Rose.
Rating: NC17 for hot Rose-on-Rose action! Ye be warned.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, all hail the BBC
Summary: “How did it happen? The first time, I mean, when ( Read more... )

loved, smut, tenth doctor fic

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Comments 11

susanb03 May 18 2014, 20:38:11 UTC
Adding this to my Nook!


fid_gin May 19 2014, 02:47:31 UTC
Hope you like it! :)


(The comment has been removed)

fid_gin May 19 2014, 02:48:36 UTC
Thanks so much! I love throwing all those little callouts to S4 in there. :)


karenor May 19 2014, 00:38:28 UTC

This was all I could hope for and more! I half expected you to throw all of them in bed together when they were first left alone, but I'm glad you didn't. It was perfect that way. And hot. Though poor young Rose won't even remember her first time with a girl! I love the line you walked through that part of totally weird and also so not. Actually, you walk that line through the whole verse, and it's delightful.

I loved all the emotional notes. The conflict felt all around. Young Rose kind of being the voice of reason, along with her palpable uncertainty.

And surprise Mickey! Yay.

No Doctors! Indeed. ;)

Thanks for posting this. It's made me very happy. I hope you had fun finishing it. And I would welcome any future endeavors! In *cough* any fandom. ;)


fid_gin May 19 2014, 02:53:25 UTC
Yay, thanks so much! Your opinion matters very much to me. :)

Unfolded and I had said from the very beginning that it would just be Too Much for crazybigsexorgy to take place at the end - way too many people to write about, two sets of which are the SAME person - freakin' nightmare! The whole point of this fic was the two Roses, so I made the Doctors bugger off (so to speak. heh) so that they could have some time to themselves. ;)

I should say, the surprise!Mickey scene there at the end was ENTIRELY unfolded's idea, because nothing I was writing was working, and I love it. I love Mickey! *squishes him*

And writing something else in that *cough* other fandom is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE, I will say that.


karenor May 19 2014, 03:03:57 UTC
You tease me! ;)

Slash on it's own is a logistical pronoun nightmare. Two dudes with the same name (same everything) even more so. Then to go and quadruple it! Yeah, that'd be tough. And might be even more overwhelming to young Rose!

There's a fic out there, I forget by whom, that has the Doctor getting off with three Roses. The writer gave them all different hair colors to differentiate! That's one way to get around it. ;)

You make me want to write. Or finish that fic I started a few months ago and started thinking about years ago. Some old school Ten/Rose. Cliche + smut = yay. Maybe I'll get back to it.


fid_gin May 20 2014, 03:07:33 UTC
You make me want to write.

Doooooooooo eeeeeeeeeet!


papilio_luna May 19 2014, 21:15:58 UTC
HAAAAAIIIIII Val sent me a batsignal since I've dropped off the face of the earth due to extreme work insanity and toddler-induced exhaustion.

So glad I got to read this, and welcome to Rose/Rose my friend! It's an elite club ;)

I forgot how much I love the Loved verse. Please do not be a stranger to it. You've still Got It :D :D :D


fid_gin May 20 2014, 03:03:07 UTC
Yaaaaay! I figured you were too busy to read this - I completely understand the toddler-induced exhaustion. Ian and I are, at this very second, talking about how we feel like all we do these days is chase the kiddo, saying "No" and trying to keep him from killing himself.

I'm so glad I finally got to dabble in the Rose/Rose, it's a big part of why I went back to pick this monster back up after so many years! It was just too good of an idea to let go. You were certainly a big inspiration to me in this endeavour!

I love this silly 'verse, too, so's been fun to play in it again.

Thanks much, hon! *hugs and sloppy kisses*


cereal June 1 2014, 19:02:13 UTC
Oh god, somehow I missed the update on this and it was absolutely excellent to find it and then read it, because it was PERFECT. I'm so glad you re-visited this 'verse, and I'm so glad that you took the chance to explore the Rose/Rose angle, not only from the super hot sexy side, but also from all the mentions of the unique insight it provided into her life with the Doctors, and the relationships there, etc. Thank you for writing it! :D :D :D


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