Why I Love Ten

Sep 13, 2008 08:36

This idea is shamelessly stolen from chloris67 who noted in this post in her journal that, apparently, there are some people who passionately hate Ten! I know, crazy, right? So, with her permission, I have borrowed her 'Reasons Why I Love Ten' list inspiration and run with it, as my fic muse is on temporary hiatus and I needed a project. It was hard work, lemme tell you. ;)

I love Ten because...

Well, let's get the shallow out of the way first.
1. He's sexy

(this picture ganked from momacress's Brown Suit Picspam - go check it out, lots of Pretty)

And he KNOWS it, damn him.

I don't think anything else needs to be said on the subject.

2. He's an Elvis man

"You goin' my way, doll?"

I subscribe to the same theory as Mia Wallace in the deleted scenes of Pulp Fiction - There are two types of people in the world: Elvis people and Beatles people. And Ten, like me, is all about the Elvis. Not just any Elvis either, but the early-era, sexy, hip-swiveling, highly-offensive Elvis. I love this about him.

3. He's a slut


Oh yes he is! I realize the majority of these pictures are him being rather forceably kissed by someone else, and the ones where he's doing the kissing are hardly lustful, but you know he loves it. Seriously, I'm not an expert in the classic Who, but a Doctor has NEVER kissed this many women during his tenure, I'm quite certain.

On that note...

D, no wait, 4. He loves Rose

(Look at that smile. When was the last time we saw him really ear-to-ear smile like this?)

"But your heart grows cold!
The North wind blows
and carries down the distant...Rose?"
"Oh, big mistake! 'Cause that name keeps me fighting!"

Derrr, of course he does, you say. But the thing is, I got into Who immediately after Season 2 ended here in the States. I had just about enough time to watch each episode once on DVD before Season 3 began, so I hadn't had the time to obsessively pour over each one as I have since. And while I got that they loved each other, I didn't get how DEEPLY FRIGGIN' IN LOVE Ten is with Rose, and how desperately he needs her, until Season 3. I remember thinking "Well this is going to suck, because they can't keep mentioning her, can they?" Oh yes, yes they could. And watching Ten mourn for Rose all through Season 3 just drove it home that boy loves girl, more than just about anything in the universe. Makes my chest ache, it does.

5. He's kind

He gets a little high-horsey about it, to be sure, but Ten is a geniuinely empathic and caring being who doesn't judge others on colour, size, sex, species, whathaveyou. He has just as much room in his heart for Foon or a malfunctioning Cyberman or Chip as he does for the Astrids and the Reinettes. He's driven out of an honest desire to help and to save, and yes, most of the time everything goes to hell because of it. But he tries. Bless.

Having said that...

6. He's a twat

Whaddaya mean you don't want to abandon your life and come traveling with the man who for all intents and purposes killed the man you love and stole his face?

*sniff* "She fancied me."

At the same time, Ten is a bit of a twat. Wellll, I say 'a bit'. He's arrogant, he's conceited, he's brash, he's aloof, he's condescending and he can be a full-out jerk when he wants to be. And I love him for it. Because what fun is a hero you can't relate to? One who always makes the right choices and never fucks up and is never driven by any force other than the desire to help and to save? Ten often is, but then other times he's all "Not her, she'd hold us up" and "Big picture, Donna!" and "I'M CLEVER!"

7. He gets scared

"I'm scared. I'm so scared."

Whereas Nine just kind of laughed in the face of certain death and threatened to kick its ass, Ten is not above projecting to the world that he is Pants-Shitting-Terrified, even if scares the hell out of his companions to see it. All he's done, all he's seen, the fact that there are still things in this universe that frighten Ten is something I love about him.

8. He thinks he's God

"I'm the Doctor. And if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn't one."

"We're in the largest library in the universe. Look me up."

But really, can you blame him? Time Lords can live forever, barring accidents, and though he obviously is rather accident-prone the fact remains that he is the last surviving member of his supposedly indestructable race. He took them out, as a matter of fact. And no matter where he goes or what he does, he nearly always finds himself in a position of rescuer, righting wrongs and doling out justice as he sees fit, because honestly, who can stop him? He can see the future and read minds. He saves and takes lives. As far as we're all concerned, he may as well be God.

And yet...

9. He is such a MAN

"Reinette...goodness how you've...grown." (What a dog)

"And this bloke was called Sean. And she loved him. She did. She completely adored him, spent all day long talkin' about him."
"Is this going anywhere?"

"Who's the lucky man?"
"What man, lucky, what?"

And of course, the unforgiveable "Does it need saying?" *SMACK*

He wigs out when you bring up settling down or relationship-talk. He gets all twitchy and pervy when there's a sexy woman about. His voice cracks when Rose snogs the hell out of him. For all his alienness, Ten is such a stereotypical male sometimes that it makes me cackle. Where one of the former Doctors, Four I think it was, once told some lovely lady something to the effect of "You're a beautiful woman. Probably.", Ten will wiggle his eyebrows and look them up and down and puff out his chest and flirt like there's no tomorrow. And then, of course, pussy out when some hot girl tries to pull him.
"You be Health, I'll be Safety."

10. He's scary

"I warned you. You did this."

Ten will Cut A Bitch, slap you in unbreakable chains, bring down your government with six words and be home in time for tea. He has great capacity for actual violence in him, and I will not be one bit surprised when one of these days we see him go around the bend and actually kick the crap out of somebody. He has always scared me, and continues to to this day, and I love him for it, because damn. Dude is Badass.

I was trying to limit it to 10, natch, but I had to throw in one more, because how could we forget...

11. He's a nerd

"Science geek, what's that mean?"
"That you're obsessively enthusiastic about it."
"Oh! Nice!"

Ten is SUCH a nerd. He's the King of the Nerds. And Nerds are Sexy, that's just all there is to it. His outfit is 'Geek Chic', books are his weapons (well, except for when weapons are his weapons, see above), David Tennant aspires for him to be a hero and a role model to all the 'speccy kids', because he himself was one, and all of us fangirls have a tremendous geekgasm every time he whips out the glasses, sticks out the tongue and sets to work examining some disgusting green slime from the sewers or vials of multi-coloured liquid. The perfect trifecta of sexy is achieved in The Lazarus Experiment, when he wears a tuxedo while donning the spectacles and looking through a microscope.
I'll be in my bunk, as the kids say. :)

So let's hear it for Ten, and above all let's hear it for David Tennant who brings the character to life in such a way as to overshadow 40 previous years of Doctors. He's done, and is doing, an AMAZING job, and I wish to Christ people would stop fucking asking him when he's leaving.

picspam, tenth doctor

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