Collaborative Fic: What Happens in Vegas (3/3)

Mar 22, 2010 09:00

Title: What Happens in Vegas (3/3)
Authors: fid_gin and unfolded73
Beta: jfiliberti
Pairing: Ten/alt!Ten/Rose
Rating: NC-17
Summary: While the threesome enjoy a trip to Las Vegas, the part-human Doctor wonders how he can set himself apart from the Time Lord.

A/N: Written for catyuy, who won fid_gin in the help_haiti auction. This story is part of the Loved 'Verse, and falls a few weeks after "Feeling by Proxy" in the chronology. More specifically, fact fans, it can be placed between the first and second scenes in "Love's Not a Competition." Thanks to everyone for reading!


Rose felt another pair of arms go around them, circling the Doctor in blue and sliding under his arms, another pair of hands coming to rest over his on her hips. Her Time Lord Doctor met her eyes over the shoulder of the other, and she saw relief, desire, and dissipating jealousy there. She knew they would likely never speak of his reaction of a few minutes before, but that was okay, and she gave him a gentle smile which he returned before his eyes closed and he leaned forward to kiss the back of her second Doctor's neck.

They stood for several minutes, caressing, kissing, hands growing more bold and breathing growing more laboured. The Doctor in blue slid his hand past the drawstring waist of her trousers and down the front into her knickers, his fingers slipping easily through her wetness and rubbing her clit as she bucked her hips against his hand. He threw his head back, baring his throat further to the Time Lord behind him whose hand come to rest at the front of his trousers, rubbing the length of him through the thin fabric. "Bedroom," Rose finally managed to gasp.

"Which one?" he asked, his voice low and throaty.

Her second, metacrisis-born Doctor's room turned out to be closest. The three of them were almost bashful as they made their way through the TARDIS halls; though they had adjourned to a bedroom together for this purpose many times over the months, it seemed heavier this time, more poignant, with the part-human Doctor's confession and the other Doctor's jealous tantrum hanging out in the air. Rose felt as though she were walking through a fog, passing through time even inside the time machine they called home, and suddenly they were there, the room dark and cool, the coral walls of the ship pulsing with dim iridescence.

Their apprehension vanished immediately once the door was closed and the Doctors were on her, at her front and at her back, nearly indistinguishable in the dark except for the scratch of her second Doctor's facial hair and the many other slightly more subtle differences she had catalogued in her time with both of them. That was the Doctor in brown in front of her, her Doctor with two hearts and cooler skin, pulling her t-shirt over her head and burying his face between her breasts. That was the Doctor in blue behind her, her dear second Doctor with one heart and warm lips pressed to her shoulder, unfastening her bra and reaching around her to cup her breasts as the other Doctor continued to nuzzle between them. It was always overwhelming being between them like this, and occasionally she felt a little bit as though she were sitting in a car with no brakes and no driver at the top of a very steep hill. It was breathtaking, and almost too much.

They seemed to sense her thoughts and moved on to their own clothing once Rose was bare. Moments like this she cursed the lack of light, as the experience of watching the Doctor, either Doctor, as his suit was removed piece by piece and his body exposed to her, was incredible. Even better when they undressed each other as they were doing now, her identical lovers, a silhouette in the low light of one reeling the other in by his tie and the two of them kissing deeply as two pinstriped suits became two piles of blue and brown crumpled on the floor.

Naked, they turned their attentions back to her. "On the bed," was hissed in her ear and she complied, lying on her back with her arms above her head, hands grasping for something, anything to hold on to. Christ, they'd barely even touched her yet. She gripped the bars of the headboard as her knees bent and her legs fell apart. The Doctor - her first Doctor, she could see the outline of his hair and his face was smooth when he kissed her - lay next to her. "So beautiful," he whispered, running one hand over her body. "You have no idea how exotic you are to me, Rose." She could feel the other Doctor climb onto the bed and over her as the first continued to whisper in her ear, could feel his lips on her belly and then lower, the inside of her knee and then higher, teasing his way up then finally tasting her properly, the scratch of his whiskers tickling the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs as he licked her.

Rose writhed under his attentions. She found that she was still slightly embarrassed, even after everything they had done, at how wanton they could make her, her hips rising off the bed over and over, pleas and gasping cries falling from her lips. She was unbearably close in no time at all, and the only reason she hadn't climaxed already was that the Doctor between her thighs was going purposefully slowly, drawing out her pleasure, nudging her closer and closer with each swipe of his tongue. She reached down to clutch his head and felt the Time Lord's hand already there, long fingers threaded among her second Doctor's soft brown locks.

The feeling was too good - falling, she was falling and they were holding her up, holding her down, teasing her apart and devouring her and asking for seconds. His lips to her neck and his tongue keeping pace with that of the other Doctor, and she came suddenly and helplessly, her body wracked with shudders. Her first Doctor continued purring in her ear, telling her how much they loved this, loved her.

After a moment he slipped away, and she became aware as reality started to bleed back in around the edges that her second Doctor had withdrawn from his spot between her legs and moved up the bed to join his counterpart. They were entangled next to her, kissing passionately from what she could hear and just barely make out in the near-blackness of the room. Shifting to lie close enough to them to reach out and touch them but not close enough to restrict their movements, Rose fumbled blindly downward until she found one Doctor's hand, the part-human Doctor's she guessed by the warmth of his skin, curled around the other Doctor's cock. She kept her hand over his as he stroked, could tell from his breathing and whimpering and the tangle of arms that the same was being done to him.

"Please," she heard one of them whisper to the other, "fuck me."

Her heart hammering, Rose retreated slightly, afraid of being an impediment to what was happening between them. Then there was the feel of movement on the bed, the sound of the nightstand drawer opening and closing and the snap of a plastic lid, followed by the sticky sounds of lubricant being applied, more kissing and a ragged curse from one of the Doctors. After a few moments they changed position again, one moving to lie behind the other. There was a long, almost-pained groan as the Doctor behind slowly penetrated the other man. Still trying not to crowd them, Rose reached out and felt from the stubbled cheek of the Doctor in front which one he was. His eyes were closed, she could feel, and he turned into her touch and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her palm, his body nudged forward every few seconds by the other Doctor's thrusts, each one making both men cry out. She was fascinated: she knew they had done this before, but not in her presence, and she thought of calling up the lights so she could see better...but maybe the darkness was part of it, part of why they were willing to share in this kind of intimacy in front of her, now.

"Rose," the Doctor behind gasped. "Give me your hand." She slid her palm down the part-human Doctor's side until she reached the other's hand where it gripped his double's hip, holding him in place as he continued to move inside of him. Her first Doctor threaded his fingers through hers, guiding her hand between the other Doctor's legs and encouraging her to grasp his cock. Rose began a slow rhythm with her hand as she moved closer to them, curling into the front of the Doctor and kissing his throat. His moans vibrated his skin against her lips.

Her second Doctor clutched at her, throwing his head back against his double, lost to sensation. Rose wanted to ask him how it felt, wanted to hear his sexy babble when his control was in such shreds, but something about the moment made her hold back and just enjoy it in silence. It wasn't long before he cried out hoarsely, and she could feel his cock pulse in her hand, could feel the warm wetness of his semen on her belly.

The Doctor behind was murmuring into his duplicate's ear, talking him through his orgasm, yet not losing the rhythmic pursuit of his own pleasure. Instinctively, she reached out to touch his face, and gasped when the Time Lord's hand darted up to catch hers, bringing it to his mouth. He licked the traces of the other Doctor's orgasm from her fingers, pulling each of them into his mouth in turn and seeming to savour the taste. Rose felt heat coil deep in her abdomen at the sensation, and found herself wondering how soon the Doctors would be willing to go again.

Rose moved her hand from the Doctor's mouth and threaded her fingers into his hair, holding on as his thrusts became erratic. The Doctor between them held her tightly, breathing against her neck as the man behind him crested into his orgasm with a muffled curse and a groan against his duplicate's shoulder.

It was a long time before anyone moved. Rose and her part-human Doctor were kissing, his fingers making leisurely trails up and down her hip. She continued to comb her fingers through the other Doctor's hair, who stayed pressed against her second Doctor's back, holding both of them as close as he could. Eventually Rose went to the loo to clean herself up, and when she returned to the bed, she could already hear one of the Doctor's soft snores. She didn't need to wonder which one it was.

She snuggled up to her first Doctor, not feeling particularly sleepy herself. "He came back to us," she whispered.

"He never really left." He stroked her cheek. "As if he could. He's so in love with you, he doesn't know whether he's coming or going most of the time."

"Oh, he is, is he?" she asked, smiling against his chest.

"Welllll ... it's possible I only know that because I'm rather an expert on the topic of being in love with you." His voice was light, but Rose felt his body tense as he said the words. It was still hard for him to say out loud, even in a roundabout way.

Rose planted a loud kiss on his breastbone. "I love you, too."


The Doctor awoke muttering, his fingers clawing at the sheets tucked around him. It was the same nightmare as always: the lingering sounds of explosions in his ears and the tang of burning Dalekanium in his nose. Hands seized his arms and he fought furiously for a moment until he came fully awake and realised it was the other Doctor's hands pulling him close and holding him.

"You're all right. Nightmares," the other Doctor whispered. "One of the many reasons I don't regret never sleeping."

The part-human Doctor felt his breathing returning to normal as he lay in the arms of the man he used to be. The two of them had worked out that the nightmares were a symptom of the new chemistry of his brain and of his body trying to cope with the act of sleeping where he never did before, and the dreams had tapered off since he came into being, but when they returned they were still bad. "Where's Rose?" he asked weakly, having noticed the empty space on the other side of the bed.

"She got up a bit of water or something. I could go get her?"

He was moved by the offer, but shook his head, rolling onto his back. "No, it's fine." He regarded his duplicate for a moment. "Surprised you're still in bed."

"I'm comfortable!" The other Doctor wiggled on top of the bedclothes, demonstrating this. "Just because I don't sleep like you doesn't mean I can't enjoy a bit of a lie down."

"Well, I'm cold. Shift," he instructed, and waited until the other man had crawled under the covers before settling himself beside him. They turned toward each other, and their lips met in a slow kiss, the other Doctor's fingertips running over the dream-teartracks still drying on his cheeks. The kiss deepened, heads turning and tongues meeting, until the other man winced and pulled away.

"Really," he said, running his hand over his face. "The beard has got to go."

They lay there in silence for several minutes. "I'm sorry," the part-human Doctor finally said.

"Oh, keep the beard if it means that much to you."

The Doctor laughed. "No, that's not ... I should have ... I guess Rose and I sort of made an executive decision without consulting you. I'm sorry about that."

"Doesn't matter," the other Doctor said, eyes still fixed on the ceiling.

"It would matter to me, if our roles were reversed."

"That's because, as I believe I said before, you're so very human."

"That isn't why." He reached out and touched the other man's face. "It would matter to me because ... because of the way I feel about you."

His double swallowed awkwardly, but before he could say anything, Rose came back in. She was wrapped in a dressing gown, carrying a half-empty glass of water. "You can't sleep either?" she asked him. "I think it's something they pump into the air in those casinos."

"Bad dream," he said simply. Rose gave him a sympathetic smile, and dropped her dressing gown before climbing back into bed and hugging him.

"If I had gone through with it," he eventually murmured against her hair, "What would have happened to us? The three of us?"

She pulled out of his embrace and sat up against the headboard. "I'm going to say something really weird, and I don't want you to freak out, okay?" He nodded carefully. "I think you're growing up." She took in the expression on both of the Doctors' faces and laughed. "Okay, that's...a creepy way of putting it, I know. But it's like all these things, the beard and the hair and the porn and all that, you're just trying to find your independence. I did some mad things when I was figuring out who I was, like the whole Blackpool thing. If you need to do something mad, then we'll support you through that." She frowned. "Nothing too crazy though, yeah? No piercings or tattoos or cutting off all your hair?"

He gave her a serious look. "I'm thinking of shaving." Rose pretended to be shocked and to pout for a minute, and he added: "You could help?"

"Oh, let the Doctor do it," she said with a gleam in her eyes as she winked at the other man. "He hates your facial hair so much, it'll make his century." When the other Doctor made like he was going to get out of bed right away to get a razor, Rose added, "In the morning, after we've had some sleep." She settled back down, curling up next to him and sighing. "Oh, and by the way. You both owe me a posh meal at a restaurant tomorrow."

"Posh meal, check," he replied.

"And I wouldn't say no to a night in a hotel suite. Do we have enough money for that?"

"Not a problem," the other Doctor said. "Any hotel you want. Although, do you want to stick to this time period? Because I was thinking we might try again for Elvis-"

"No," he and Rose responded simultaneously, and Rose added, "Maybe there's a reason we can't intersect with Elvis. Maybe it would ... blow up the world or something."

"Oi, who is the lord of time, here?" the other man asked, but he dropped the subject and rolled toward them, throwing his arm over their bodies and closing his eyes. The Doctor lay between his lovers, and before long had sunk into a blissfully dreamless sleep.

fic, loved, help haiti, smut, tenth doctor fic, collaboration

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