The Master Fic List - Farm Verse (updated 8-3-13)

Sep 15, 2012 14:06

What's Farm Verse?  It's part of the fan-honored tradition of curtain!fic -- a series of stories in which the boys find themselves a place to settle down.  A home to return to in between jobs, a place to take a breath, and it's legally theirs, courtesy of a hefty bequest from Bobby.  Right now, the verse is just a few stories, a few OCs, but I figure on enlarging this corner of the world as I go along, and as I figure who else lives there and what their deal is.

So welcome to the (mythical) town of Alliance, Iowa, population 500-ish.  Pick a chair and "set a spell."  The atmosphere's relaxed, the people are friendly ... and there's pie.  ;)

AU post-Season 7.

Out Behind the Barn -- (June, Year 1) Investigating a series of deaths caused by an angry spirit, the boys discover a small, now-vacant farm -- with a very eye-opening crop growing out behind the barn...

Love Story -- (August, Year 1) The late Toby Whitmer (former owner of the farm) shared his home with a furry friend ... one who's anxious to come home, and who's willing to provide companionship and some unconditional love for the men who live there now.  Her name's Wendy -- and like her namesake, she's a protector of Lost Boys.

Creature Comforts -- (August, Year 1) Sometimes, life's all about the little things.  When you've finally found a place to drop stakes and take a breath, the "little things" might involve a comfortable bed.  And some fancy sheets.

Alliance -- (September, Year 1) The boys are making themselves at home on the farm, and getting to know their new community. For Dean, the chief draw is the local library, and its supply of fresh baked goods for visitors. But his daily trips there might be attracting the wrong kind of scrutiny, given that he and Sam are still (technically) wanted by the FBI.

Snapshot -- (October, Year 1) The papers have been signed. The Winchesters (aka Tom and Mike Johnson) now own a farm. But the house needs a particular something to make it feel more like home, and Dean enlists the aid of a talented sketch artist to provide it.

True North -- (October, Year 1) You know, it's not a surprise that the boys have settled down in this particular place. It's so close to the places that really shaped them -- and those places are asking for a return visit.

Dreams From My Brother -- (November, Year 1) Dean's doing some daydreaming about a change of career -- and with Sam's help, the dream might actually come true.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas -- (December 24, Year 1) Sam has done his best to put together a merry Christmas in their new home, but Dean is stuck in despair over lack of money... until some friends show up at the door.

O Angel Who Has Shown Up High -- (December 25, Year 1) The boys never expected Santa Claus to show up on their rooftop -- particularly not in the form of Castiel, complete with red suit and gigantic sack of gifts.

Christmas Belongs to the Children -- (December 25, Year 1) Castiel announces a change in career, after his stint as Santa.

In the Smallest of Things Lie Miracles -- (January 24, Year 2) It's Dean's birthday, and Sam has arranged for a special visitor to brighten up the day.

If You Need to Be Loved, Here I Am: Read My Mind -- (January 25, Year 2) As wonderful as it is to be with Jamie again, Dean has his doubts about how well it will turn out -- both his relationship with Jamie, and a future at the farm.

Hoop -- (February, Year 2) Daydreams can be wonderful things, especially for Dean, who's been imagining running the diner in town -- until a buyer shows up, and pulls the rug out from under him.

Rescue Me (2014) -- (March, Year 2)  During a visit to Sioux Falls, Dean runs into an old acquaintance who provides a glimpse into Bobby's life.

And the Winner Is... -- (August, Year 2) The town council held a little contest, as it often does.  This time, the winner is one Tom Johnson -- aka Dean Winchester -- and he's justifiably proud of himself.  Now, if Sam would just get on board...

It's the Great Pumpkin, Dean Winchester -- (June-October, Year 2)  Dean decides to set his crop-growing sights high -- raising a championship giant pumpkin.

Sweet Potato Fries -- (Spring, Year 2) Dean's signature fries have earned quite the reputation... and it's spread quite a bit farther than Dean anticipated.

You'll Need a Hero, and a Good Dog -- (May 2, Year 2) Sam's 30th birthday didn't go too well, so Dean decides his little brother needs a do-over... Dean style.

Hungry - Dean and Hoop take notice of an unhappy-looking boy who's been hanging around the diner.

master list, farm!verse

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