Title: Bon Voyage
Pairing: Rick Castle/Jordan Shaw
Rating: R
Spoilers: Through 2x17 of Castle.
Disclaimer: Not mine! May Marlowe set a tiger on me if this is anything but a transformative work that makes no profit.
Prompt: Castle - Jordan/Castle - "So is it an Oedipus complex or just a thing for red heads?
Dedication: To my incomparable Tiff,
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Comments 2
And I will leave you a more coherent response later. But for now...
The dialogue only and the past three days being foreplay (yes, yes, they were) and her threatening him about thinking about Kate and "not so much with the thinking" which is SUCH a Castle thing to say. And oh my god, "I'm not gonna break". I'm pretty sure that I broke at that moment.
This is just so wonderful and bumbling and naughty and them that I can't. This is how they are in my mind.
AND THE TITLE. All I can hear is Megan's "Boney Voyagey" in my head, as well as the Anything Goes song, so clearly it is the best title of all titles ever.
I want to get on a jet and come over to London and just squish you for this. But until I can, know that I am squishing you across the internet. ♥
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