Title: The Long Ride Home
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Rating: M
Spoilers: up to and including 7.01 'Now What?'
Disclaimer: Not mine! No profit! All characters remain the property of David Shore et al.
Summary: Set between the Day Of Sex and the return to the hospital (not sure if I'm taking timeline liberties or not!) Just consider this a smutty interlude
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Comments 21
This is exactly what the Doctor ordered ;-)
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I don't know why but I love this line. ♥
And I love this fic, so emotional and tender and still HOT like hell, thank you for this fic.
Major kudos for writing realistic bike sex as well. Holding onto the bench and House grabbing the handlebars (which is the hottest visual ever!) added just the right touch; this is now my canon transition between episodes.
I'm now off to hellread your Huli fic
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