When a Tornado Meets a Volcano

Oct 22, 2010 21:41

Chapter 1: The Dormant

The sky darkened slightly as a cloud slowly drifted over the sun. The leaves shook with the light breeze, a relaxing applause of wind through the tree. There were many people milling about; some were talking in loud voices in large groups, others looked as if they were hurrying somewhere. No one noticed the girl sitting alone under the tree, her head leaned back against the large trunk and her eyes closed in a serenity one could only get from sleeping under a tree. Her breath was at ease, and she was very still, save for the rise and fall of her chest with each breath. No one noticed except for one.


The blond haired boy had spotted her sitting under the tree the moment he stepped outside. To him, she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her mass of hair, her freckles all stood out to him as hated things, and he did not want to overlook the opportunity to terrorize her.

“Granger,” He said again as he nudged his foot against her bag. She didn’t stir a tiny bit, which annoyed him greatly. This time he nudged the girl with his foot, and didn’t mind it if he left a slight dust print on her pristine robe. Her head rolled forward and flopped onto the knees which were brought up to her chest.

“Granger, if you don’t get up right now, you’ll be late for Muggle Studies.” He grinned, knowing that this would jolt her right out of sleep. He wasn't wrong- as soon as the last syllable of ‘studies’ left his lips, she bolted upright, her eyes wide with fright. She unconsciously pushed him out of her way as she grabbed her bag and stood up with the quickness of fugitive from the law. It wasn’t until she was halfway back to the castle did she realize that she was not late- for classes had already ended for the day- and she had been tricked from her comfortable spot under the tree. Spinning on her heel, she marched back to the tree.

“What exactly do you call that, Draco Malfoy?” she spat, glaring at her adversary. She was known to have an icy-cold glare notorious for freezing even the most courageous of the Gryffindors. She had dropped her bag near her feet, and placed her hands on her hips, the pose that would tell anyone that knew her well that she meant business.

“Whatever do you mean?” Draco asked her, a belligerent grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. He was still on the ground where she had pushed him just moments before, and he even looked casual in the way that he rested there.

“You know, Malfoy, sometimes I think that it’s not only me,” she said, still glaring and shaking her head in disbelief. “I think you just like to screw with people, you know? You just like to worm your way into their heads like the vile, little snake you are and just play around with their minds.” He stood up and faced her, glaring just as fiercely back.

“You raise an interesting point; however, it really is just you and your little buddies Potty and Weasel.” He retorted, the belligerent smirk growing into a sadistic smile. “However, it really does bother me to see your face every day.” He said it with such nonchalance that upon hearing the words, she turned bright red.

“Just go burn in hell, Malfoy,” Hermione said, her voice dripping with venom. She picked up her bag and began to walk away, this time in no rush.

Draco Malfoy always seemed to leave her with a bad taste in her mouth, and she hated even thinking that he bothered her. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about him; he went to this school just as she did, and it would be impossible not to encounter him at some point. It also didn’t help that he was the second most intelligent student in Hogwarts and a prefect. It meant that their encounters were not uncommon, and, in some cases- though she would have liked to in all- she couldn’t berate and scold him for just being a prick.

On the other hand, Draco Malfoy thought that Hermione Granger absolutely worthy of his hate. .She was intelligent, and though he hated to admit it, she was better at virtually everything that he did. Not to mention, she hung out with the-Boy-Who-Lived-to-Annoy-Him and his sidekick, Wonder Weasel. It was a pity; if she had been born a pureblood, she would have made a wonderful ally if only just for her biting tongue and ability to match him in wits.

Draco scoffed to himself- that girl was so stubborn, even if she was pureblood, she wouldn’t look twice at him. And that was something he didn't have a problem with.

“Hey, Mione, can you pass the potatoes?”

“What exactly happened again, Hermione?”

“I think you should totally kick his…uh…his butt. Yeah, kick his, uh, butt.”

Hermione shook her head; her friends could be so ridiculous sometimes. After hearing their response to the day’s happenings, she was starting to regret telling them that she had had an encounter with Malfoy. Usually, she would be up for the scoffs and stabs at Malfoy, yet today, she was feeling kind of tired, and for once, she was not looking forward to studying. She pushed her plate away and stood up, grabbing her bag form its place on the floor behind her.

“What’s wrong?” one of her best friends, Harry Potter asked her. He looked a bit concerned, but it was nothing to worry about- he always looked concerned.

“Nothing,” she lied, giving him a wide smile. “I am just a bit tired, so I am going to go take a nap.” She shouldered her bag and began to walk away when she felt someone grab her hand.

“Hey,” she turned to see her other best friend, Ron Weasley looking at her intently. “You’ll tell us if something’s up, right?” She nodded and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Don’t’ worry Ron, Harry,” she said giving a small chuckle. “I promise I am okay, and if there is anything wrong I will tell you immediately.” She let go of Ron’s hand and began making her way back to the dorm.

As she walked, she took a deep breath. She had been thrown off earlier when her sleep was interrupted by Malfoy, and it had affected the rest of her day.

“Stupid boy,” she mumbled under her breath shaking her head. She didn’t like the fact the he intruded, but all she could do at this point is go back to her room and finish the nap. Hopefully, he wouldn’t come barging into their shared living area and destroy her regained peace.
Soon enough she reached the portrait entrance to the tower she shared with Malfoy, the other prefects and the Head Boy and Girl. She liked the living arrangement. Usually, she wasn’t a person to hide from her problems, but she was happy that having the other perfects and the Head Boy and Girl there as a buffer between her and her enemy. It was nice to have an escape plan should she ever need one.

She admired the portrait for a moment before giving the password and stepping inside. It was empty, like she expected, and she smiled a little to herself; finally, some peace and quiet. She suspected no one would be around for a while; she’d left dinner not even 15 minutes after it had started, and she was sure that no one else would leave unless they had to.

She placed her bag next to the couch and lowered herself gingerly, shivering as the warm fabric of the couch met with her rather cold skin. Closing her eyes in satisfaction, she curled up into a ball and let her breathing slow. Sleep was not far behind, and within minutes, she was peacefully dreaming.


Draco was angry. He had not been at the dinner table for five minutes when he could hear the mumblings and grumblings of the Gryffindor table. He was slightly flattered that they were talking about him, of course, but it was with malicious mumblings, and clenched fists that they were speaking - not something he wanted to hear. And it was all that Grangers fault.

He watched the table with a hawk like gaze, waiting for her too look his way so that he could show her just how angry he was. Unfortunately for him, she had other ideas, and was on her way out of the Great Hall. He scowled, alerting his friend Blaise Zabini to his distress.

“What is it, mate?” Blaise questioned, giving Draco a confused look. Despite common misconception, Blaise was a category all to his own in the sense that he didn’t care what anyone - not even his own parents - thought of him. He genuinely cared for his friends, and his best friend (though Draco was reluctant to admit it) worried him the most.

“That stupid girl,” he mumbled, violently stabbing the ham that had only moments before been sitting peacefully on his plate. “She is the bane of my existence.” He sighed in exasperation. Blaise smirked, relieved that it was only Hermione that was bothering him.

Blaise was privy into the thoughts of Draco Malfoy. He was only one of two people who could read him like a book, and to his delight, Draco didn’t know it. Blaise knew that his friend wasn’t everything people made him out to be and he knew that with a little nudge, Draco could shock the world with his surprisingly un-Malfoy behavior. He knew that the only reason Hermione annoyed Draco in the way that only she could, was because Draco allowed her to. It wasn’t a very easy thing to explain - after all, this was Draco Malfoy - but he knew that Draco’s bad boy façade could last long.

Blaise nodded his head in sympathy. “Hmm,” was all he said in reply. It was enough for Draco; all he needed was to vent.
“She is going to take over my life Blaise,” Draco whined, his resolve breaking. He didn’t realize the double-entendre of his words, but Blaise smirked to himself.

“I think your exaggerating, Drake,” he said, patting his friend sympathetically on the back. “I’m sure that you will live through it.”

“Whatever man,” Draco said, rising. He was tired, and needed a nap. “I’ll see you around. I’m going to take a nap.” He grabbed his bag, and headed out of the Great Hall. His common room would be empty; Hermione had probably gone to the library (as always), and everyone else was still at dinner.

He chuckled lightly to himself; that girl was too predictable. Though today had surprised him - he wasn’t expecting to find her napping, much less under a tree in the middle of the campus. He shook his head. Whatever, he thought. She can do whatever she likes. It’s no concern of mine.

He made it to the common room quickly and was about spread out on his favorite couch, when he noticed something - rather, someone - in it. He rolled his eyes and sighed. Sleeping peacefully in the middle of the couch was Hermione Granger.

He didn’t even bother himself with waking her; it would be too much of a hassle for him. Grabbing his bag once more, he trudged into his room and flopped down on the four poster bed, closing his eyes in fatigue.

“WHY!” he shouted into his pillow as he rolled over. “WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE EVERY-FREAKING-WHERE!?” He didn’t like it, not one bit. It was bad enough that he had to endure everyday knowing that she was better at him in almost everything, but to top it all off, she seemed to intrude in on his life when he least wanted her too.

“God, I hate you Hermione Granger,” he whispered to himself in the quiet of his room. “I hate you so much.” He laughed wryly to himself before settling into a comfortable position on his bed. He was too tired to undress, and the last thing he wanted to do was get up from his comfortable bed.

“Stupid girl,” he mumbled to himself as sleep took hold. “I hate you... so much.”


A/N: Be sure to leave a comment. I am looking for some HONEST feedback; however, no flames will be accepted. Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed it!!

love, hermione, dramione, hate, hogwarts, secret, draco

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