Title: Virgin Death
Fandom: Yuugiou
Rating: K+
Pairing: Atemu x Yuugi
Description/Warnings: After series ficcu of about 550 words. Character death, but no angst.
Disclaimer: If I owned it, Atemu wouldn't have gone on to the after life, and Yami no Bakura wouldn't simply dissapear.
He died a virgin. He had planned to wait. And wait he did. )
Comments 2
This is a nice fic, though. It's kind of disconcerting to me personally for reasons I will not disclose, but it's well-written. ^-^
It's interesting how you portray Yugi in this fic. Even though he must've been very sad about the fact that Atemu had gone on to the afterlife, he was still able to live out his own life. It kind of reminds me of how, despite being a very lonely kid for a long time, he wasn't all that bitter, and actually quite optimistic and a fighter.
It's so very sweet of Yugi to wait. And Atemu too. =^^=
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