Title: Vindication and Desperation
hales731Fandom: Yuugiou
Pairing: Bakura Ryou x Yami no Bakura (That's right... Ryou's on top for once!)
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, Smut. :|
Theme for
30_kisses: 8 :||: Our Own World FINAL THEME!!
Summary: Maybe, just maybe, a world of their own would be something of worth.
Yami no Bakura rarely pondered things other than his plan of revenge. Nothing and nobody matter to him unless they could bring him what he sought. Or so he had believed. )
Comments 2
I really liked Ryou coming foward like that and the flashback type of Battle City/Ship and that sort of explanation and thought(s) that Bakura had with Ryou on the ground. Also with Ryou mentioning the nightmares and confronting Bakura to his face.
He comes foward when really necessary (I think) and this was a good example.
He had never been given the opportunity to experience pleasures of the flesh when he had had his own body, back in his time. He had neither the time nor the desire.So very much agreed ( ... )
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