Series: Hetalia
Title: Scorched-Earth Drabbles: Den Disperata
Author: Fictatious
Character(s): Denmark
Rating: 15
Warnings: History
Summary: To save his people, Denmark sends them away.
The Illusionist Revolutions The Solution Pt. 1 The Solution Pt. 2 Air Mail Pt.1 & Pt. 2 Unwilling Participant Pt. 1 Unwilling Participant Pt. 2 The Bunker Pt. 1 The Bunker Pt. 2 This chapter fits between 'The Illusionist' and 'The Solution.'
Every motor in the harbor was running, boats and ships of every size waiting to pull away and disappear into the night, their running-lights dark, becoming shadows on the waves. And not just this harbor, every shipyard in Denmark was awake tonight and yet utterly dark, as people hurried along the docks and crowded into vessels. Matthias could hear the quickened heartbeats around him as clearly as the sounds of hundreds of shoes hurrying along the wooden dock.
His heart was pounding along with his people's and his breath was coming in short, nervous puffs as he ran back and forth on the docks, finding room in the assembled vessels for all the precious cargo they had to carry away into the darkness. Away from him. It was like the ships were taking away his right arm that night, and leaving him bleeding there on the docks, but it had to be done. He couldn't protect them now.
"Sarah!" he heard a woman exclaim and turned toward the sound. In the moonlight he saw the child sprawled on the planks just before she overcame the initial shock of falling and started to cry. Two adults, her parents, were hurriedly picking her up and her mother was whispering. "Shh, baby girl, don't cry! I need you to be brave tonight!"
"Have you found a boat?" Matthias asked, moving across the dock toward the family.
"No, they've all been full down that way," the man answered and bent to pick up the little girl.
"This one has room," Matthias said, pointing to the tug behind him.
"Thank you." The man's grateful smile was just visible in the darkness.
The family started to move toward the tug but the woman paused, looking at Matthias carefully. "It's you, isn't it?" she asked softly.
Matthias looked back at her for a few moments and then nodded. "You need to hurry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry this is all I can do for you."
"Don't say that." The woman shook her head gently and took a step closer to him. "When this war is over and you are free again, I promise you that my family will return. Even if I do not live to see it, my daughter or her children will come back to you. You will forever have our hearts." She lifted up on her toes and pressed a gentle kiss to Matthias' cheek. "I promise you."
"Thank you," Matthias whispered, feeling a lump rise in his throat. "God protect you."
And they and all the other families were tucked into every sea-worthy vessel and spirited away. With the grace of God they would find safe harbor somewhere else and by the grace of God not one of his people would ever wear that accursed star.