Title: Charlie and Luna Sitting in a Tree
Rating: R overall, NC17 in some sections
Words: 3826/14020
Summary: He's been alone for too long. And then along comes Luna....
Author Note: I've been working on this for a long time, and I'm finally ready to share it with you. As of today, this is half of what I have so far. I can't promise when the next
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Comments 2
Luna's giving Charlie the dragon was sweet. The discussion of their loneliness was really moving. I think you have Charlie's voice spot on, and there are some excellent descriptions in here--Luna's smelling like winter, Xeno's being three sizes too small. The kiss scene was very well done. I really like Charlie/Luna.
What a great story! I look forward to more of it . . . ;)
This is really sweet. I think you've captured Charlie's feelings of detachment & isolation really well. His relationship with Luna is all the more plausible because of that - they're like two kindred spirits, who on the outside seem oddly matched but really they understand each other in a way that others don't. Great job - I can't wait to read more. :)
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