Sequence 11-10 Written by Mandi Rated PG Warning: Major Character Death. This is the last death of Sequence and is heralding “THE END” with the next update.
I can't quite figure out what's going on with me, but I'm horrendously oversleeping. A bit concerned, as I'm usually only in need of a few hours of zzz's, but the other day I slept TWELVE. DERNED. HOURS
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Sequence 11-8 Written by the Inedible Miss Mandi Rated: NC-17. Lock up your kiddies. Warnings: Homosexual themes, but do I even have to say that? You're reading a BBM fanfic, ya'll. :) Het be damned.
Sequence 11:6 Written by Mandi Rated PG, whatever. Nothing too offensive unless big talking rodents and Disneyworld aren’t your thing. A/N: Based on my personal experience.