Drabble: Bill/Fleur, Teddy/Victoire

Jan 19, 2011 15:03

Title: Spring Fever
Words: 299
Rating: PG-13

Victoire slumped into an armchair facing her parents on the sofa.

"Last week, your father and I walked around the woods near The Burrow."

"Do I really need to hear this?" Victoire asked. Bill chuckled.

"Every animal we saw was mating. Ze turtles in ze pond were paired up along a log, ze male birds were displaying their feathers for ze females, ze bullfrog was holding on to ze back of his mate . . ."

"We even saw that pair of rabbits."

Fleur nodded and patted Bill's hand. "It is Spring-flowers are budding, animals are procreating, and people's minds turn to love and sex."

"Spring Fever," Bill added.

"Teddy and I haven't had sex."

"Good," Bill declared.

"I didn't say you had, but you have not seen Teddy since Christmas, and now you are home for Easter holidays, I want you to understand some things."

"I'll promise NEVER to have sex if we stop this conversation."

Bill and Fleur chuckled. "We want grandchildren someday . . . It's easy to promise when talking to your parents, but very different when caught up in ze moment with ze man you love. Making love combines the lovers' magic. When a woman gives her lover the gift of her virginity, she also gives some of her magic and receives some of his. Do not share your magic frivolously."

Victoire rolled her eyes. "OK. May I go now?"

"You and Teddy have fun babysitting." Victoire nodded, gave a wave, and Flooed as quickly as possible.

"Zey can't get up to much while watching Harry and Ginny's children."

Bill snorted. "Especially since I'm paying James to spy."

"Beel!" Fleur slapped his arm.

"We, however, have the house to ourselves, and can get up to whatever we want."

Fleur giggled, "I think I feel some Spring Fever coming on . . ."

*mollywheezy, 2010, bill/fleur, drabble, teddy/victoire

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