Title: Delicate and Deadly
mollywheezyCharacters: Harry/Ginny; cameos by Fred, George, Lee Jordan
Prompt: delicate
Word Count: 278
Rating: R
Note: Written for the 2014 March Madness at
hp_humpdrabbles "You're too young to play Quidditch with us, Ginny. Besides, you're our baby sister. We don't want you to get hurt."
Ginny crossed her arms and glared at George. "I won't get hurt."
"Sure you would, Ginny. You're tiny and delicate," Fred teased.
Ginny punched Fred in the groin as hard as she could. He dropped his broom, doubling over in pain. Ginny grabbed his broom and flew away, yelling behind her, "I'm NOT delicate!"
Harry braced himself with his arms, hovering over Ginny. Ginny smiled up at him, caressing the hair on his chest and moving lower.
"Er-" Harry started.
"What's the matter, Harry?"
"Er-I mean, I don't want to hurt you."
"Are you implying that I'm delicate?" Ginny asked warily.
"No! You? Delicate?" Harry snorted. "I'm just bigger than you, and heavier, and I'm worried I'll squash you."
Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry and with much fumbling and tangling of legs rolled them over so she was on top straddling him. "There. No more need to worry."
Harry watched from the stands as Ginny soared around the Quidditch pitch and hurled the Quaffle into the center goal just out of reach of the opposing team's keeper. He cheered along with the crowd.
Lee Jordan yelled from the announcer's booth, "The Harpies' newest Chaser scores again! Ginny Potter may look delicate at first glance, but she is deadly accurate with a Quaffle, and may I add deadly gorgeous? Please don't kill me, Harry!"
Harry waved at Lee as the crowd around him laughed. Harry was looking forward to scoring with his deadly gorgeous, not at all delicate wife when they got home.