Title: Ella's Thoughts
Words: 100
Rated: PG-13
Author's Notes: Written for
aggiebell90 since she guessed the most ships from the ships meme, ahem, six months ago. Hopefully it's better late than never. ;) This is a missing moment from the middle of chapter 50.
Groins were very sensitive on most species including cyclopes and harpies, but not only in bad ways. Groins were sensitive in good ways. Tyson found the Earthborn's groin, but Ella wanted Tyson to find Ella's groin.
Ella blushed at the direction of her thoughts.
Ella had not experienced good ways of sensitive groins.
Ella blushed redder thinking about her and Tyson's groins together.
"Ella! You OK? Your face's red."
"Ella is fine, Hazel! Just as the weather today is fine! According to The Old Farmer's Almanac the weather has been fine on this particular date for the past 200 years."