Title: The Travails of Being a Husband
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Prompts: Green, Hot, Night, Parched, Puzzle, Sorry, Tears
Author's Note: Written for
hpgw100. Folks there will probably wonder where I've been since I last posted a drabble in October 2011. If only real life would cooperate . . . ;)
Harry awoke to Ginny's shaking him. Even though he was unable to read the clock, the absence of light told him it was the middle of the night.
"Harry, I'm hot and uncomfortable and absolutely parched. Would you please get me a pickle milkshake from Florean's?" Ginny flapped the sheet to create a breeze.
Harry reached for his glasses. "Now?!"
Ginny's eyes filled with tears.
"Don't cry, love, I'm sorry. Of course, I'll get you a pickle milkshake now."
Returning with the nasty green concoction, Harry knew for a fact; the desires of his pregnant wife would forever puzzle him.